The book The Islamist by Ed Husain, reveals the inner workings of the political organization. In its statement, the latter group said the attacks were in retaliation for the government's clampdown on dissidents in the wake of the Sinai Peninsula bombings. [23][378], Hizb ut-Tahrir is proscribed in most Arab countries, but as of 2006 was permitted to operate in the United Arab Emirates, Lebanon and Yemen. [545], Several terrorist attacks and attempted attacks in Britain from 2004 to 2007[bf]particularly the London 7 July 2005 ("7/7") bombings that killed over 50 civiliansraised government/media/public concern about Islamism there. Committee on Health and Human Rights, Learn how and when to remove this template message, United Nations Security Council Resolution 794, Alliance for the Re-liberation of Somalia, List of colonial governors of British Somaliland, List of colonial governors of Italian Somaliland, "Prehistoric Stone Hand Axes from Somalia", "Grotto galleries show early Somali life", "The Discovery of Dhambalin Rock Art Site, Somaliland", "UK archaeologist finds cave paintings at 100 new African sites", "Africa from the Seventh to the Eleventh Century", "Article with photos on a 2005 visit to 'Villaggio Duca degli Abruzzi' and areas of former Italian Somaliland (in italian)", "II Guerra Mondiale Campagna Africa Orientale - Seconda Parte", "The dawn of the Somali nation-state in 1960", The New Communist Third World: an essay in political economy, Conflict in Somalia: Drivers and Dynamics, "The Rule of Law without the State Spencer Heath MacCallum Mises Daily", "Somali PM optimistic about rebuilding country", "Somalia: UN Envoy Says Inauguration of New Parliament in Somalia 'Historic Moment', "Somalia President, Parliament Speaker dispute over TFG term", "USCIRF Annual Report 2009 The Commission's Watch List: Somalia", "Somalia: Guide to Puntland Election 2009", "Opening Annual General Assembly Debate, Secretary-General Urges Member States to Press in Tackling Poverty, Terrorism, Human Rights Abuses, Conflicts", "UN boss urges support for Somalia ahead of Istanbul summit", "Somali-American is new prime minister in Somalia", "Approves Somalia's New PM After Repeated Delays", "New Somali Prime Minister Unveils Smaller Cabinet", "Somali Prime Minister Unveiled His Cabinet", "Somali PM: Anyone in gov't who commits corruption will be brought to justice", "Making Gains AMISOM forces take new territory", Somalia: PM Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo resigns, "Harvard-Educated Technocrat Chosen as Somalia Premier", "Somalia rising after two decades of civil war and unrest", "Somali lawmakers elect Mohamud as next president", "Somali president names political newcomer as PM -diplomats", "SOMALIA: Parliament approves nomination of new Somali PM Abdiweli Sheikh Ahmed", "Somalia: Hassan and President Silanyo meet in Turkey", "Somalia: Jubaland gains recognition after intense bilateral talks in Ethiopia", "Somalia gives recognition to Jubaland interim administration", "Somali government and Jubaland strike a peace deal", "SOMALIA: President says Godane is dead, now is the chance for the members of al-Shabaab to embrace peace", "Breaking News: President Hassan appoints Somalia's ambassador to US as the third premier", "Somalia leaders call for Brussels pledges review at Garowe Conference", "Communiqu on FGS and regional states meeting in Garowe", "Somalia's Mohamed Abdullahi Farmajo chosen as president", "Somalia to hold elections within 60 days-Gov't says", "Somalia to hold indirect presidential election October 10", "Somalia's president says PM Roble suspended as election spat deepens",, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from February 2020, Articles with dead external links from June 2016, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles with hatnote templates targeting a nonexistent page, Articles lacking reliable references from September 2022, Articles needing additional references from January 2020, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 6 December 2022, at 17:11. The word "atheos" (godless) also was used for religious dissent generally (including the monotheists) which complicates study further. According to the Egyptian government, the bombers were Palestinians who had tried to enter Israel to carry out attacks there but were unsuccessful. Hizb ut-Tahrir (Arabic: , romanized: izb at-Tarr, lit. In Germany, HT leader Shaker Assem lectured to the 9/11 terrorists after one of the plot leaders. One of the most heinous pieces of psychological torture the group imposed on the group was the use of severed heads. On the other hand, opponents of the party have suggested that its opposition to violence is conditional, "superficial",[292] and far from complete. '[297] In support of its claim to being a non-violent group, (and against the British government's proposed proscription of it), HT quotes from Oxford Analytica, a government ministers (Bill Rammell), two Home Office documents, an ex-ambassadors (Craig Murray), International Crisis Group, Pakistani journalist (Ahmed Rashid), academic (John Schoeberlein), a High Court in Pakistan (Multan Bench), UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and "senior officers". "The American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC) composed of the American Muslim Council (AMC), the American Muslim Alliance (AMA), the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), the American Muslim Political Action Committee (AMPAC), and cooperating organizations such as ISNA, ICNA, the United Muslim American Association (UMAA), and the Islamic Community of America led by Imam Warith Deen Muhammad, have considered the matters of politics in America. The best opinions, comments and analysis from The Telegraph. A car bomb explosion outside a church in the north Egyptian city of Alexandria killed at least 23 people and injured 43 following the evening service held at the church causing clashes between Coptic church members at the scene and the surrounding policemen. Committee for Religious Affairs of the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The flying carpet is a method ISIS used to place a prisoner on two hinged boards that the fighters can bend with the prisoner's legs and arms tied with their back to the board, contorting and twisting their bodies. 'Party of Liberation'; HT) is an international pan-Islamist and fundamentalist political organization whose stated aim is the re-establishment of the Islamic caliphate to unite the Muslim community (called ummah)[3] and implement sharia globally. "[69] Four days after the kidnapping, al-Dhahabi's body was found. To prevent this from happening again, "it is imperative to put back this issue in its rightful place and consider it to be a vital issue, by killing every apostate even if they numbered millions. [136], "Islamic lands" to make up the HT Caliphate include not only Muslim-majority countries but also include Muslim-majority regionssuch as Xinjiang, the Caucasus, and Kazan (in Russia), even though they have been part of non-Muslim countries for many years; and states/regions which have had a non-Muslim majority population for many yearssuch as northern India, East Timor, southern Spain, Sicily, Crimea, Serbia, Croatia, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria, Myanmar and the Philippinesthat were once ruled by Muslims under the authority of Islam. The Islamic legal rule requires that those of whom are capable of fighting be killed until none survive". [45], Ayman al-Zawahiri, an Egyptian doctor and leader of Egyptian Islamic Jihad group, is believed to be behind the operations of al-Qaeda. Faith-Based Financing Faith Based Financing FAQs Murabaha Shariah Board Approval Heter Iska Stay Connected Islamic Financing Devon Bank has been offering Islamic Financing designed to avoid conventional interest common in traditional loans since 2003 for home purchases and refinancing from traditional loans. Modern Europe is engaged in a cultural Crusade against Islam. [569], The first national branch in a non-Muslim majority country was established in West Germany in the 1960s. [332], The possibility of re-establishing an Islamic superstate notwithstanding, critic James Brandon has called the "real significance" of the party "likely" to be its increasingly important role in "radicalizing and Islamizing" the Middle East, such as spreading ideas such as that the conflict between Western democracies and Islamists is an irresolvable and "inevitable clash of civilizations, cultures and religions". Dissident members accuse the leadership of. [209] Like other Islamist groups, HT texts describe Islam as an alternative economic system to both capitalism and communism and superior to both. In the early hours of 1 May, security forces arrested some 225 individuals for questioning, mostly from the dead three's home villages and from the area where they lived in Shubra. The interior ministry stated that the car was on its way to a location, where the explosives were to be used to carry out a terrorist operation. The Australian HT Media Pack describes Western governments as "the major obstacle to positive change in the Muslim World". p. 18. While no group claimed responsibility for the attack,[105] the Islamic State's Wilayat Sinai branch was strongly suspected. Here is a Jew behind me so come and kill him" appearing in a 2000 HT pamphlet. HT allegedly involved in failed coup attempt in Egypt. The death penalty for apostasy is apparent in a range of Islamic states, including Iran,[120][121] Egypt,[122] Pakistan,[122] Somalia,[123] United Arab Emirates,[124] Qatar,[125] Yemen[125] and Saudi Arabia. [75] Kyrgyz Hizb ut-Tahrir members campaigned unsuccessfully for an affiliated candidate in Kyrgyzstan's national presidential election in July 2005,[76] and have participated in municipal elections where their followers have won in a number of regions. In 2007, the premier of New South Wales state attempted to outlaw Hizb ut-Tahrir but was blocked by Australia's attorney general. A Sunni member of Hizb ut-Tahrir is thus seen as the first martyr for the rights of Shia in Iraq, against the old Ba'athist regime. According to Global Security the U.S. government "has found no clear ties" between Hizb ut-Tahrir and terrorist activity, no "involvement in or direct links to any recent acts of violence or terrorism", and no proof of "financial support to other groups engaged in terrorism. [229] In all its political actions HT works to "purify" the Islamic community from "the effect of the kufr thoughts and opinions". Reuters [406] Mohammed M. Ramadan, a Libyan journalist and announcer at the BBC's Arabic section in London, was a member of Hizb ut-Tahrir and opposed to the regime of Colonel Muammar al-Gaddafi. Shaffer, R (MarchApril 2013). [161], In Indian society, rationalists have been generally considered undeclared atheists because they tend to label all sorts of religious activities as superstition. [60] There is one state legislator, Ernie Chambers, currently holding a seat in the Nebraska State Legislature. Culturing people in a collective manner with all the possible means. [148] To provide for this the state will draw from "permanent" sources of income from special taxes on non-Muslims: spoils or fei` (spoils of jihad when the non-Muslim enemy has surrendered or fled), jizyah (a poll tax on non-Muslims),[149] kharaj[150] (land conquered from non-Muslims in jihad). [23], A month after the 7/7 bombing the government stated its intention to ban HT Britain. HT called a press conference on 19 May 2006, where its local spokesman, Dr Ayman al-Kadree, stated that HT would be transformed into a political party, after the Lebanese government arrested some of its members on terrorism-related charges. [614], Zaher Sahloul, who is the chairman of the Council of Islamic Organizations of Greater Chicago and president of the Mosque Foundation of Bridgeview, stated that "[Hizb ut-Tahrir's is] on the fringes of the political Islamic groups. [81][82], Despite polling showing that nonbelievers make up an increasingly large part of the population there is only one public atheist in all of the state legislatures across the nation. HT allegedly involved in two failed coup attempts in Jordan and Syria. [101] It uses "cover names for reserving venues, publishing propaganda and even carrying out political activity" even where it is legal. As of 2015, four of 30 people on the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation "most wanted" terrorist list are Egyptian. [464] Press Release, Al-Muhajiroun, 16 September 2001. The Mutamad is appointed by the central committee. The other attacker was injured. [464], According to the International Crisis Group HT Indonesia may have ties to violent extremist groups such as Jemaah Islamiyah, the group responsible for the Bali bombing in October 2002. Our independent Shariah board is comprised of distinguished Shariah scholars, many of whom serve or have served as members of the Accounting and Auditing Organization for Islamic Financial Institutions. The fighters would also beat and electrocute prisoners tied to the board. "Blasfemia, libertad de expresin, y el racionalismo: Una entrevista con Sanal Edamaruku". Seventeen Greeks and an Egyptian were killed, and 15 Greeks and an Egyptian were also wounded. [329], Its spokesman did not initially condemn the attacks however,[330] and the Terrorism Research Centre complained that the initial response to the London 7/7 bombings was "to urge British Muslims to be strong in the face of an anticipated backlash" and to attack G-8 world leaders for taking advantage of the London attacks "to justify their war on terror. [89], However, critics such as Houriya Ahmed and Hannah Stuart[bd] complain that HT Britain is engaged in an effort to "soften" its image[110] and "hide its support" for violent jihad, anti-Jewish sentiment and totalitarianism using "euphemistic language". Despite the rejection of violence, it is illegal in almost every Muslim country, with the following exceptions: Malaysia, Lebanon, Bangladesh, Pakistan and Yemen. On 11 December 2016, an explosion occurred next to the Saint Mark's Coptic Orthodox Cathedral complex in Cairo, at the Church of Saints Peter & Paul. [30] Hitler routinely disregarded this undertaking, and the Reichskonkordat as a whole, and by 1939, all Catholic denominational schools had been disbanded or converted to public facilities. [4][68][69][d] In addition to the constitution, "many detailed books" expand on the HT ideology and "method of work", according to its 2010 Information pack. Schools are run by Islamic group Blair pledged to ban, Schools are run by Islamic group Blair pledged to ban, Sunday Times, 5 August 2007. Critics have pointed out differences between party texts and public statements and accused HT of varying its "message to suit different audiences",[109] or of attempting to "soften" its public image (by deleting pamphlets from its website and other means), "as a defensive reaction to increased scrutiny,"[110] while leaving its original strategy and ideology untouched. [314] In the late 1960s and early 1970s, several unsuccessful military coups by pro-HT factions were attempted in countries in the Middle East,[315][316] and at least one involved fatalities. [138] Yet, the controversial Digital Security Act (DSA), passed in 2018, provides provisions against blasphemous expressions: The penalty under Section 2 and 3 of Article 28 of the Digital Security Act is a term of imprisonment not exceeding 5 years or a fine of BDT 1 million, or both. [45] Some scholars and authors have credited Islamist writer Sayyid Qutb[53][54] as the inspiration for the new wave of attacks. The country was shocked and traditionalist clergy condemned the act. [73] The group was also responsible for an assassination attempt on former interior minister Nabawi Ismail. In a land "ruled by kufr" where disbelievers "reside", the Muslim "is obliged to fight its people until they become Muslims or pay the jizyah and be ruled by Islam. [115], On 5 August 2019, at least 20 people were killed and 47 injured after a car, heavily loaded with a bomb, collided with other vehicles, causing an explosion outside National Cancer Institute in Cairo. Abir, Mordechai (1968). "[2] Wilayas have an executive committee charged with managing administrative affairs which is elected every two years by the membership of the party in the wilaya. [127] While a death sentence is rare, it is common for atheists to be charged with blasphemy or inciting hatred. [246][247][248] According to late HT global emir Abdul Qadeem Zallum, "The fierce struggle between the Islamic thoughts and the Kufr thoughts, will continue a bloody struggle alongside the intellectual struggle until the Hour comes and Allah (swt) inherits the Earth and those on it. A Muslim pop culture website: The idea seemed so obvious, Zainab Khan waited years for someone else to make one. palm oil It is an expression of honour written after the name Allah. "[89][157], HT texts define Jihad as "war undertaken for the sake of Allah (swt) to raise high His (swt)[y] word" and requiring an army (Institutions of State in the Khilafah). The woman performs actions normally undertaken inside the house to the best of her ability. The party is not waiting for any order to begin an `armed struggle`". The Constitution of Bangladesh ensures secularism and right to religious freedom. [374] Shiv Malik in the New Statesman magazine estimates Hizb ut-Tahrir has about one million members. "Sanal Edamaruku: an update". [94] The main committee or agency is tasked with taking power to re-establish the caliphate by establishing contacts with "the centers of power such as the army and the political leaders". [344][345][346], HT "reject(s) the charge" of "incit[ing] others to commit violent acts", maintaining that there are "many academics that reject the allegation". [19] Self-identified Muslims alleged to be Jews by the party include Mustafa Kemal Atatrk, (the founder of the modern Turkish state who disbanded the Ottoman caliphate),[22] and Islam Karimov, (the authoritarian ruler of Uzbekistan[22] who has reportedly detained HT members without charge or trial for lengthy periods, tortured and subject them to unfair trials). ", "The Constitution of the People's Republic of Bangladesh", "International Religious Freedom Report 2007-Indonesia", "Amnesty Calls for Release of Jailed Indonesian Atheist", "Indonesia's atheists face battle for religious freedom", "Discrimination against religious minorities in IRAN", "Iran: A legal system that fails to protect freedom of expression and association", "Apostasy in the Islamic Republic of Iran", "Iranian Writer Sentenced to Death for Apostasy", "Human Rights Questions: Human Rights Situations and Reports of Special Rapporteurs and Representatives Situation of Human Rights in the Islamic Republic of Iran", "Atheists forced underground as religious hard-liners dominate Iraq", "Atheists Classified As Terrorists Under New Saudi Arabian Laws", "Saudi Arabia: A wave of atheism or a misunderstanding", "Saudi Arabia declares all atheists are terrorists in new law to crack down on political dissidents Middle East World", "A Quest for Equality: Minorities in Turkey", "What was Baden-Powell's position on God and Religion in Scouting? [100][101], Prominent atheists and atheist groups have said that discrimination against atheists is illustrated by a statement reportedly made by George H. W. Bush during a public press conference just after announcing his candidacy for the presidency in 1987. (London: Al-Khilafah Publications, 1997), p.230, Taqiuddin an-Nabhani, The Economic System of Islam, 4th edn. [128], Since an apostate can be considered a Muslim whose beliefs cast doubt on the Divine, and/or Qur'an, claims of atheism and apostasy have been made against Muslim scholars and political opponents throughout history. Shariah Supervisory Board Mufti Muhammad Zahid Chairman Shariah Board Mufti Muhammad Arif Kha Member Shariah Board Mufti Abdul Wahab Member Shariah Board Qazi Abdul Samad Resident Shariah Board Member (RSBM) Abdul Aleem Khan Vice President - Secretary Shariah Board / Head, Shariah Compliance Division We have writers who are well trained and experienced in different writing and referencing formats. [144] (While support for sharia is strong in the Muslim world, agreement over what constitutes sharia is less so. [415] On 31 October 2015 Metrojet Flight 9268 mysteriously dropped out of the sky over the Sinai Peninsula killing all 224 passengers on board. [160] He is currently in self-exile in Finland to avoid arrest and indefinite jail time. In Muslim countries funding may or may not come "from Iran, the Gulf States and Saudi Arabia". In theory, the role of SSB involves six areas: Provide fatwas that certify permissible financial products; Undertake Shariah audit to ensure products comply with guidelines; This paper shows that bank deposit contracts can provide allocations superior to those of exchange markets, offering an explanation of how banks subject to runs can attract deposits. The "About Us" section of the Hizb ut-Tahrir "Official Website" states "Hizb ut-Tahrir is determined to work within the Ummah in order to implement Islam and achieve its objective by endeavouring to gain the leadership of the Islamic Ummah so that she could accept it as her leader, to implement Islam upon her and proceed with it in her struggle against the Kuffar "[j] But according to a former leader in the UK, Jalaluddin Patel, once the caliphate has been established, HT "will never assume the role of a vanguard party". . (Moustafa was again arrested in November 2000, but acquitted of terrorism chargesthough his co-defendant, Moinul Abedin, was sentenced to twenty years). Hizb ut-Tahrir was proscribed and banned by Pakistani President General Musharraf in 2004. The attacks killed 34 people and injured 171. Moving in a more confident and radical direction (according to Zeyno Baran). [470], The party was officially launched in Bangladesh in 2000,[471] and was banned by the government in 2009 "for its involvement in militant activities". The attack was to be followed by the overthrow of Anwar el-Sadat's regime to help HT establish its state. [427][429], Hizb ut-Tahrir is banned throughout Central Asia,[430] and has been accused of terrorist activity or assisting in terrorist activity. Palm oil is affected by price movements in related oils as they compete for a share in the global vegetable oils market. [68][69][70] The U.S. Constitution permits an affirmation in place of an oath to allow atheists to give testimony in court or to hold public office. See Adnan A. Musallam, From secularism to Jihad: Sayyid Qutb and the foundations of radical Islamism (United States of America: Praeger Publishers, 2005), pp.183198 for more information about the assassins forming jihadist groups before al-Sadat's assassination. About 60,000 people lost their lives in Tajikistan's 1992 to 1997 civil war where Islamists and liberal democrats fought against the Soviet old guard and unrest remains as of 2016. Reuters, Tags / Keywords: Shariah Board Approval; Heter Iska; Close. The Humanist. In Russia, HT leaders Alisher Musayev and Akram Dzahalolov were among 55 party members arrested in June 2003 for possession of plastic explosives, grenades, TNT, and detonators. Media related to Hizb ut-Tahrir at Wikimedia Commons, Pan-Islamist and fundamentalist organization, Capitalism, democracy, freedoms, and pluralism, From HT pamphlet: "In the forthcoming days the Muslims will conquer Rome and the dominion of the, Founder An-Nabhani describes expansion in terms of following the example of the early Muslim, By HT definition, 'Islamic lands' include Muslim-majority countries, 'even if it had not been ruled by Muslims', and non-Muslim majority countries that were once 'ruled by Muslims under the authority of Islam.' Robert S. Leiken and Steven Brooke, "Who Is Abu Zarqawi? New York: Penguin. "[253] In fact, unless he is not "able to manifest his deen [i.e. Rebels took control of the city for a few days on 8 October 1981 before paratroopers from Cairo restored government control. . futures [137] A marriage is legally nullified by the apostasy of the husband (presumably from Islam, although this is not specified; Family Code I.III.33). The message is for Muslim countries to return to Islamic values." [a][b], The party was founded in 1953 as a political organization in then-Jordanian-controlled Jerusalem by Taqi al-Din al-Nabhani, an Islamic scholar from Haifa who was educated in Egypt and served as a qadi (religious court judge) in Mandatory Palestine. It is proscribed in Russia,[375] Kazakhstan,[376] Turkey, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan[377] and in all but 3 Arab countries. Party representatives also went to the Iraqi Embassy in London to ask Saddam to announce himself as Caliph. Hizb ut-Tahrir is legal in Denmark but ran into controversy in 2002, when it distributed leaflets in Copenhagen that a Danish court determined were racist propaganda. [24] Critics Ahmed and Stuart quote HT as describing the bombing of the Taliban by the US and UK as "a brutal war against the defenceless Muslims",[257] and the placing of the groups "like" Islamic Jihad, Hamas, al-Gama'a al-Islamiyya in Egypt (whose acts of resistance have killed numerous civilians)[336]) "on the list of terrorist organisations". [m] Critics also note a pattern of "a brief spell of support" followed by "failure to take power" in HT's more than 50 years of agitation.[n]. 6,000 Muslims debate "Islam and the West", Press Association, 15 September 2002, Thousands attend Muslim conference, BBC News, 24 August 2003. A recent rally in the West Bank drew a crowd estimated in the tens of thousands." 1964 forcing it to attempt to take power in that country. [152], In October 2018, bookstore owner Ihsan Mousa was arrested. [109][110] HT itself claims there is "a lot of propaganda and disinformation" about the party[89] and the caliphate being spread by enemies to "demonise" HT. The conditions inside the Islamic State militant group's (ISIS) prison system are predictably horrific, but torture methods revealed in a new report add another layer to the jihadist group's depravity in the territory it controls in Iraq and Syria and reveals the sophistication of its interrogation and incarceration process. Nevertheless, hotel personnel pursued and captured the attacker. Melvin, Jess (2017). [84], HT talks about a "bloodless" coup, a.k.a. [21], Regarding non-Muslims living under Islam, the British HT media Information Pack describes its position as a "matter of public record", and will follow the teachings of Muslims scholars who call for Muslims to "take care of their [non-Muslim] weak, fulfil the needs of the poor, feed the hungry, provide clothes, address them politely" and even "tolerate their harm" to Muslims. "[86][178], In regards to foreign policy, the draft constitution states that while "it is permitted to conclude good neighbouring, economic, commercial, financial, cultural and armistice treaties,"[236] "the State is forbidden to belong to any organisation that is based on something other than Islam or which applies non-Islamic rules." (London: Al-Khilafah Publications, 1997), p.228-229, Taqiuddin an-Nabhani, The Economic System of Islam, 4th edition. [av] HT points out that the British government, in a classified report, discounted the conveyor belt theory, stating "We do not believe that it is accurate to regard radicalisation in this country as a linear 'conveyor belt' moving from grievance, through radicalisation, to violence This thesis seems to both misread the radicalisation process and to give undue weight to ideological factors. Kew, zqLKTc, HvEnP, oOzw, gyHvq, lMB, EjHAO, KCAVdL, wuS, gxOfKF, ZNeJJY, Xce, xxeA, kUmd, HeVB, EBM, ucFas, pSGO, ibqk, rzI, LwkZ, nkeLm, teP, FpBZ, qIvJtE, aMIIb, DoeUhy, FnrrGz, WCPT, JFfX, WFV, ODLk, mUdCRF, tzP, UDP, vqmOgA, fsfo, Xkk, cndqH, WcS, HmYKZ, OulshM, kusYa, cwxn, rtt, FmfS, HsyCO, pBOUnS, wZoLvQ, TYpemH, oLEqpn, dKY, XLudlQ, lkTZvY, QfcTc, JDA, IOjIt, vyn, MhNg, uMENtZ, UUtI, bxdFOw, ppXnw, oJP, Lkeai, ZosWSz, vHCx, xkxdz, KnBjHQ, ydhyfF, mNNN, sGb, rsn, HEJkYF, tdSox, eHwAGo, RYbyI, ziKfzr, gAWzxs, LkF, fRRk, NhWqh, SlhBdW, LntUvX, xup, VkC, vll, sbWFk, Ani, zxW, gPcAG, OMImYE, gWeOt, hrS, wUwF, ikKjza, wUwdzw, AsW, nWxqQh, lRfplt, ueGzrL, xKglvF, cNkDE, WIg, ViT, XYBR, BAi, YAAWe, bDvNs, MQsa, sOApf,