A channel called 'Cold Fusion' has done several videos on financial scams, including this FTX one: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20BEJouWBgY. Given the overwhelming importance of the party in the country's affairs, it seems likely that the party secretary has the last say in any major factory disputes. ga('send', 'pageview'); Your comment could not be posted. Picked up hot babes. So SBF is a chemistry experiment and any prudent investor knows it. I think by now most in the financial world know that abuse of cocaine and amphetamines is rampant in their field.. Theranos's fraud was uncovered more than 6 years ago. The avowed objective of this new method is to combat "bureaucratism" and "formalism" in the farm management system. OK. It should be huge yet the MSM is totally ignoring it. 2. Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 8:56 utc | 83. Effective altruism is quite the rabbit hole. seems FTX was created to suck up all toxic liquidity implode then scream regulation as look how bad crypto is. while letting off-shore conmen woo regulators. They are a novel medium best designed for criminals and sneaky pursuits and have no systems of accountabilities. For example, the target for the annual output of steel was reduced by a third: from 15 million tons to 10 million tons. ridiculous whichever way you look at it. I always thought crypto was BS. Posted by: Zed | Nov 19 2022 2:15 utc | 70. Name is required to post a comment, Email: The changes have also found their way to the economic sector with factories that are also producing products that are associated more with the West, like Air Jordan shoes, for national consumption. Yep another well connected unicorn bites the dust and no one goes to jail. "The only way to a free society is making your own currency, with hookers and blow". S. SRitchey. A narrow strip of similarly fertile land runs through the eastern seaboard Hamgyng provinces and Kangwn Province, but the interior provinces of Chagang and Ryanggang are too mountainous, cold, and dry to allow much farming. It also looks like Bankman-Fried gave at least $60 million dollars to the Ukrainian government. This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 20:48. "The only way to a free society is making your own currency, with hookers and blow". NBA Basketball team Miami Heat renamed its arena, "FTX Arena" for $135 million. Better Living Through Chemistry. So far SBfried has avoided the experience of washing up on a beach. Posted by: Dave_k | Nov 18 2022 19:07 utc | 12. Nikolai Mushegian has a dead start by 3 weeks in this losers race. Name: Actual sales may not have occurred at this price. It's not the medium of exchange that matters, wether electronic, symbolic or barter. Since you're accepting 1 dollar for every Tether you make you should always have enough to redeem every Tether you've ever created even if everyone wants to redeem all their Tethers at once. According to different literature, the starved or malnourished death toll is estimated to be between 240,000 and 480,000. That it collapsed so quickly and so suddenly must be making a few of them get in touch with Joe Biden's diaper supplier. The reluctance to initiate reform appears to be largely political. And that's when after 30 seconds of searching I found out about Tether. Text</B> Text The SEC failed at its job while Gensler met directly with SBF to talk favorable access. how much u being paid to FUD here today? Posted by: Moaobserver | Nov 18 2022 19:00 utc | 9, We will not forget The only customer holding on the consolidated balance sheets are fiat currencies! Especially yuk to the scene. Extreme Angler. The question. Now that the supply of greater fools is restricted, a lot of fools are being left holding bags they can't sell to anyone except at highly discounted prices, i.e. So SBF is a chemistry experiment and any prudent investor knows it. The whole system is full of fraud - especially at the top where the transnational corporations run the show and influence our fake democracies. [85], Before the floods, recipients were generally allotted 600700grams per day while high officials, military men, heavy laborers, and public security personnel were allotted slightly larger portions of 700800grams per day. We will find out one way or another in the next coupla years. Posted by: too scents | Nov 19 2022 9:27 utc | 85. Nine years ago, when crypto-fraudster @SBF_FTX was 19, his mother, a Stanford professor, wrote a very long article making the case that free will is a myth and that we should not blame people for committing crimes. Sure, high tech will save us from this. You care about your net worth estimated in USD.
Text</BLOCKQUOTE> Posted by: PJB | Nov 18 2022 21:31 utc | 48, Posted by: Oldhippie | Nov 18 2022 20:16 utc | 30. A 2018 document exposed that Binance had come up with an elaborate plan to create a US entity that would be used to distract regulators, while behind the scenes they helped US-based customers evade geographic restrictions on the highly leveraged crypto derivatives trading that the US regulates. During the plan, the target annual output of 10 million tons of grains (cereals and pulses) was attained. Until the late 1980s, peasants were not allowed to cultivate private garden plots. Cocaine is the drug of conmen. Allowed HTML Tags: [20], The Six-Year Plan of 19711976 followed immediately in 1971. 1. Posted by: Skimmer | Nov 18 2022 21:49 utc | 50. What did the G20 just decide about vaccine passports and our ability to move? Its not cryptos fault that these greedy criminals built an entire castle of cards on top of it. Isn't there some better punishment one could think of? There might be a better punishment for Sam Bankman Fried: the time he should be spending in prison (virtually a life sentence) can be commuted to, say, a few years on the condition that he spends those years as a soldier on the frontline defending Ukraine, subject to the same conditions and access to equipment and ammunition as the Ukrainian conscripts he'll be fighting alongside. You care about your net worth estimated in USD. https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/f0248be1-c108-40c4-a914-edc85a249dc8, Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 10:23 utc | 91. The campaign was aimed at industrial and agricultural workers and at organizations in education, science, sanitation and health, and culture. And BigPharma provides most of the advertising revenue for BigMedia in the USA and much of the medical research, medical journals, colleges and post-grad teaching throughout the world. Electric blackouts would most likely have a similar effect - EU member vassals are utterly screwed with these techno oligarchs running out of control. Nov 16 1/82 -( a Giant Twitter thread .) It wasn't an 'r/WallStreetBets' thing either, it just happened. https://twitter.com/Exusnx/status/1592998089027035136, https://twitter.com/Exusnx/status/1592998089027035136, Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 9:55 utc | 87, Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 8:41 utc | 81. So Yeh, it's very convenient to go digital, but most convenient for the crooks to rob you silently and nearly invisibly. I thought we went full digital years ago. I still gave coins in my pocket and bills in my wallet. fantasy that only a very young child could(/should) believe. Back then the attraction of bitcoin was that it was so hated by the financial establishment and their offsiders in media & politics. Amateurish frauds flooded with big capital. By their fruit we have to know that Judaism was already off track at the time of Jesus pbuh and he told his followers that after him another would come, who would confirm everything he had Instead they continued to meet with FTX on giving them a "no-action letter" to broaden reach in the US markets. Am I imagining things? Central banks have been subsidising SV for such a long time that, as per Gramsci, - a great variety of morbid symptoms appear. [ Ha, good luck with that, Congress is a joke. Online at: Kwaak, Jeyup S. and Gale, Alastair (December 2, 2014). Remember former police chief Eric Adams taking his mayoral salary in Bitcoin? Tether is a 'stable coin', a cryptocurrency pegged to a fiat currency, in this case the US dollar. Crypto will live on regardless of these shennanigans. Posted by: Richard | Nov 19 2022 2:16 utc | 71. Digital asset controls: The FTX Group did not keep appropriate books and records, or security controls, with respect to its digital assets., Audited financials for all businesses. Posted by: Anne B | Nov 18 2022 19:23 utc | 15. [90], Farming is concentrated in the flatlands of the four west coast provinces, where a longer growing season, level land, adequate rainfall, and good irrigated soil permit the most intensive cultivation of crops. Major projects include the Mansudae People's Theatre (2012), Munsu Water Park (2013), the modernisation of Pyongyang Sunan International Airport (2015) and the Science and Technology Center (2015). WebTungstens headquarters are in 251 NW 34th St, Oakland Park, Florida, 33309, United States. It was thought that stimulating a technological revolution in the munitions industry was one means to achieve these parallel goals. OTPP says it invested in FTX's international and U.S. arms through its Teachers' Venture Growth platform so it could gain small-scale exposure to this emerging area. This guy here sees a huge case of governmental+international corruption centered around crypto, and then keeps thinking that the brand of crypto he likes is somehow the solution to social ills, as if a digital financial instrument is somehow a workaround for ethics, justice and politics. Posted by: Passerby | Nov 19 2022 10:16 utc | 90, Posted by: Arch Bungle | Nov 19 2022 9:57 utc | 88. He took great care to not lately rip off his co religionists, who wield outsize influence in America (to the point where an outsider might legitimately assume it is an almost entirely zionist country). The FTX criminal CEO was supposed to speak at a forum with none other than Mark Zuckerberg and Vlodymyr Zelensky. Elizabeth Holmes was just sentenced to 11 years in prison. Posted by: hankster | Nov 18 2022 21:17 utc | 44. Seize everything from him, his extended family and close friends. And while I accept sanctions evasion as a legitimate use case for cryptocurrencies, the risk of getting hacked and losing everything does not make it worth it for the average paranoiac. Text</B> Text And crypto is a scam ("greatest invention since the internet" LMAO): "I have built a digital NFT blockchain bridgeit's for sale if you want to buy it". Gox in 2014. People's Rep", "Employment to population ratio, 15+, total (%) (modeled ILO estimate) Korea, Dem. at least it wiped out a ton of tom brady's money. 2. However, as of 2013, most households have borderline or poor food consumption, and consumption of protein remains inadequate.[85]. Per the amendments made to the Constitution in 2019, the former economic methods of management, Ch'ngsan-ni in agriculture and Taean in the industries, were now phased out altogether. Binance, the largest crypto 'exchange', who's owner had pulled the rug on FTX, is still holding out. This is only a preview. Am I imagining things? [18] These markets are referred to as 'Jangmadang' and were formed as a result of the economic collapse during the 1990s, which made the regime unable to distribute food to its people.[19]. However, it was not until nearly two years and four months later that the long-awaited plan was unveiled1977 had become a "buffer year". One of the most bizarre phenomenon of our world nowadays is the Mr Greenshirt, the one and only Elensky (without the Z). Man, that sound down right amazing. That is financially reckless (there's not enough liquidity for you to cash out all at once if, say, El Presidente Biden and El Commandante Powell decide to ban USD:BTC exchanges) but also tells you everything you need to know about Bitcoin as a pseudo-currency: it flat out doesn't work. Meanwhile look at the damage they wreak: http://vaersanalysis.info/. The racism and bigotry about Qatar hosting the World Cup, which I have never been interested in ever, is now full volume on the BBC reporting. while letting off-shore conmen woo regulators. As coal was used mainly for industry and electricity generation, decrease in coal production caused serious problems in industrial production and electricity generation. While FTX was a fraud because it stole investor money, Tether is a more serious fraud since it was the most comprehensive market manipulation of any speculative asset ever seen. Cryptocurrency is a 100 percent fraud. Error type: why some person whos claimed to be a low-level staffer is listed on official documents, Yellen, Zelensky and Zuckerberg Will Speak at [New York Times'] DealBook Summit, https://medium.com/@zoecurzi/my-experience-with-leverage-research-17e96a8e540b, https://kunstler.com/clusterfuck-nation/a-smoldering-fuse/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7vtWB4owdE, https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/05/-in-bankrupt-lebanon-locals-mine-bitcoin-and-buy-groceries-with-tether.html, https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ftx-sponsors-mlb-umpires-wear-134603911.html, https://www.bnnbloomberg.ca/ontario-teachers-pension-plan-invested-us-95m-into-failing-crypto-platform-ftx-1.1844825, https://fortune.com/crypto/2022/11/11/sbfs-disgrace-could-make-things-awkward-for-gary-gensler-and-the-democrats/, https://nitter.net/adamscochran/status/1593020859156865026#m. We are legion Congress should make reviewing this a *TOP* priority. b is guilty of many more grammatical and language errors but that's part of the charm. How many more frauds like this are still out there to be discovered? Some of the best scam artist operating in the shadows. [20], Labor force (12.6 million)by occupation:[120]. I bought 10 bitcoins for the equivalent of $ 100 USD because a usenet cataloger I used back then asked for about 2/3rds of a bitcoin as subscription. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q7vtWB4owdE, Posted by: Dee Plorable | Nov 18 2022 20:44 utc | 36, That was me, sorry. Posted by: Jen | Nov 18 2022 19:39 utc | 22. b: Again, another statement that can hardly be qualified in words fit to print. Posted by: FieryButMostPeaceful | Nov 18 2022 19:56 utc | 25. [46] As such, the system provides some built-in incentives and a degree of micro-level autonomy, unlike the budget allocation system, under which any surplus is turned over to the government in its entirety. You "beat inflation" by multiplying your BTC holdings with the highest selling price in the market right now. It is so strange for this concerted campaign - Germany too with Habeck making derogatory remarks about Qatar even though he begged them for LNGand Sadiq Khan in London now starts Looks like they are all getting the Emails from the State Department in Washington with its Global Engagement Center coordinating politicians in Vassal Colonies to keep them on-message, Posted by: Paul Greenwood | Nov 19 2022 10:46 utc | 97. Posted by: sean the leprechaun | Nov 19 2022 0:43 utc | 64, Professors were also helping out as late as May 2022. Consumer goods were few and of poor quality, with most provided on a ration basis. View an alternate. Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 10:42 utc | 95. One of its objectives is to de-fang crypto currency and place directly under the control of the tribe. Posted by: Moaobserver | Nov 18 2022 19:00 utc | 9, We will not forget These gene-therapies are given complete immunity (excuse the pun) from prosecution for adverse events. You "beat inflation" by multiplying your BTC holdings with the highest selling price in the market right now. If Bitcoin loses that round, the WEF will have won, totalitarian control will be complete, and that will be the end of any dreams of a free society. After 1956, North Korea reached out to the Third World in the hope of making trade deals. Just a couple of bad apples, nothing to see here structurally. Posted by: Zed | Nov 18 2022 19:39 utc | 23. b is guilty of many more grammatical and language errors but that's part of the charm. They tried an "insta" great reset in India by insta-banning cash some years back - essentially the entire economy froze in terms of finances, and physical goods stopped moving. What's not to like about that. when on yer back foot create confusion - an ethos the finance crooks live by. Shit's so stupid. Posted by: ian | Nov 18 2022 21:56 utc | 51, @ Posted by: Skimmer | Nov 18 2022 21:49 utc | 50, You can't dismantle the master's house with the master's tools ;). 1. That's not at all to say that communism is the answer - it's just to acknowledge Marx's insight of where capitalism (when the regulators, politicians and judiciary have all been corrupted by BigBusiness) leads by destroying the free market and destroying trust, fairness and freedom. (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ Nationalization of key industrial enterprises and land reform, both of which were carried out in 1946, laid the groundwork for two successive one-year plans in 1947 and 1948, respectively, and the Two-Year Plan of 194950. Still true today. Organizations undergo frequent reorganization. Is the BBC allowed to be a full on mouthpiece for bigotry and anti-religion innit constitution? He primarily donated to candidates who aligned with his "effective altruism" ideology, so mainly neoliberal Democrats who want a soft approach to financial regulation. WebFor information on South Africa's response to COVID-19 please visit the COVID-19 Corona Virus South African Resource Portal. [121] By about 2010 external trade had returned to 1990 levels, and by 2014 was near double 1990 levels, with trade with China increasing from 50% of total trade in 2005 to near 90% in 2014. Fly his sorry ass to Singapore for a good caning and then on to Gitmo to live out his days. Posted by: Patroklos | Nov 18 2022 21:30 utc | 47. Text</U> Text More will follow. Wooooweeeee!! Electric blackouts would most likely have a similar effect - EU member vassals are utterly screwed with these techno oligarchs running out of control. The only customer holding on the consolidated balance sheets are fiat currencies! And in some EU countries, the tax regulators are not stupid, they clearly see a panic occurring in crypto markets and know people will be trying to convert them back to FIAT and they are hounding banks for information on transactions. Fly his sorry ass to Singapore for a good caning and then on to Gitmo to live out his days. Posted by: Tom_12 | Nov 19 2022 8:56 utc | 83. One alternative is start going crypto to gold. Cat's don't cut it- even if they are legion. When everyone is into investing money as a way to wealth, you have an entire ecosystem of "industries" that just moves money around without adding any value.