In 2016, the ICAs Principles Committee released the Guidance Notes on the Cooperative Principles, giving detailed guidance and advice on the practical application of the Principles to cooperative enterprise. We will work with our clients on the basis of their informed consent and agreement. 78. Non-editorial staff in the newsroom are not bound by this handbook and should follow the guidance of NPR's Code of Conduct. We will do all that we reasonably can to ensure that our clients are participating on avoluntary basis. I. The International Cooperative Alliance (ICA) and, As we commemorate the International Day for the, Avenue Milcamps 105 Any professional or personal interests that conflict with putting a clients interestsfirst will be carefully considered in consultation with a supervisor, an independentexperienced colleague or, when appropriate, discussed with the client affected beforeservices are offered. _. work with issues of identity in open-minded ways that respect the clients autonomyand be sensitive to whether this is viewed as individual or relational autonomye. informing clients about any reasonably foreseeable limitations of privacy orconfidentiality in advance of our work together, for example, communications toensure or enhance the quality of work in supervision or training, to protect a clientor others from serious harm including safeguarding commitments, and when legallyrequired or authorised to disclosee. 69. Supervision also sustains the personal resourcefulnessrequired to undertake the work. We may need to act in ways that will support anyinvestigations or actions necessary to prevent serious harm to our clients or others. 0000005136 00000 n repairing any harm caused, so far as possiblec. Coupled with this is the reality that practitioners can experience a welter of emotions when tackling ethical dilemmas +32 (2) 743 10 30, Request. I. Everyone affected by our journalism deserves to be treated with decency and compassion. 0000003087 00000 n Deciding what (if anything) counts as "morally obligatory" is a principal concern of ethics.. Philosophers refer to people who have moral responsibility for an action as moral agents. Full color with first-ever tabbed version, Guidelines for ethical writing and guidance on the publication process, Expanded student-specific resources; includes a sample paper, 100+ new reference examples, 40+ sample tables and figures, New chapter on journal article reporting standards, Updated bias-free language guidelines; includes usage of singular they. The technical and practical knowledge may vary according to howservices are delivered but all our services will be delivered to at least fundamentalprofessional standards or better. What we broadcast and put online is edited for time and clarity. You can also consult the Guidance Notes on the Cooperative Principles and Valueswhich give detailed guidance and advice on the practical application of the Principles to the cooperative enterprises. As members and registrants of BACP, we have committed ourselves to the principlesand values set out in this Ethical Framework and recognise that our membership orregistration may be at risk if we fail to fulfil our commitments. All editorial staff are bound by this guidance. 4 Directives then is twofold: first, to reaffirm the ethical standards of behavior in health care that flow from the Churchs teaching about the dignity of the human person; second, to provide authoritative guidance on certain moral issues that face Catholic health care today. Materials should not be excluded because of Supervisors and supervisees will periodically consider how responsibility for work with clients is implemented in practice and how any difficulties or concerns are being addressed. ]]>*/, The Statement on the Cooperative Identity states that a cooperative is an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically-controlled enterprise.. ,3$kkk }W}N={MB5^CjTL'mS:t[ avoid unfairly discriminating against clients or colleaguesc. Coupled with this is the reality that practitioners can experience a welter of emotions when tackling ethical dilemmas Wewill take action to prevent harm caused by practitioners to any client see also 24. Web4 Directives then is twofold: first, to reaffirm the ethical standards of behavior in health care that flow from the Churchs teaching about the dignity of the human person; second, to provide authoritative guidance on certain moral issues that face Catholic health care today. Before we take such a step, we engage in rigorous deliberation and consider all alternatives. _> >JgYtV8+JgYtV8+=^kdVE %sI4r\32yq2 HWKo8WQbHJym-==8cH%?`[o!jv;HHOWp:uZsO1Y5X Supervisors are responsible for providing opportunities for theirsupervisees to discuss any of their practice-related difficulties without blame orunjustified criticism and, when appropriate, to support their supervisees in takingpositive actions to resolve difficulties. Exceptionally, such a relationship will only be permissible following carefulconsideration in supervision and, whenever possible, following discussion withexperienced colleagues or others concerned about the integrity of the counsellingprofessions, when: c. We will be professionally accountable if the relationship becomes detrimental tothe former client or damages the standing of the profession. The application of this Ethical Framework to the work with clients will be discussed insupervision regularly and not less than once a year. 4 0 obj Services from IBM works with the worlds leading companies to reimagine and reinvent their business through technology. In the interests of openness and honesty with clients:a. trainees on a practitioner-qualifying course working with clients will inform clients(or ensure that clients have been informed) that they are traineesb. 0000152301 00000 n 50. Instructors considering course adoption receive a paperback copy 76. 70. [CDATA[/* >