WebThe PSEA managerial compliance mechanism will be based on the three documents or mandates that govern the PSEA agenda. The 10 criteria are a combination of principles and critical elements needed to establish an IOM Policy and Procedures for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (IN/234), Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse, IOM Policy and Procedures for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Exploitation , IOM Policy for a Respectful Workplace Environment (IN/90), IOM Gender and Diversity Unit Intranet Site, IOM Ethics and Conduct Office Intranet Site, IOM Office of the Inspector General Intranet Site, IOM Office of the Ombudsperson Intranet Site, Inter-Agency Standing Committee PSEA site, Inter-Agency Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA), Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA): IOM Awareness-Raising and Reporting Procedures. contact number / email of Safeguarding / PSEA focal points) To whom to report these 6 0 obj A. This includes having the internal capacity for and/or access to external support for taking necessary actions to assess alleged code of conduct violations, including for SEA incidents (see below for more information on SEA investigations), as well as other related safeguarding issues, such as child safeguarding and C-TIP, consistent with their awards. committed to making changes aimed at protecting everyone who works and learns in our schools. The above-mentioned acts are not intended to be an exhaustive list. The Educator Discipline Act also establishes new reporting requirements for educators. It also provides for the possibility of the establishment of a local complaint referral mechanism, so that non-IOM staff members (e.g. The Office of Inspector General maintains their own policies related to the collection of PII and can be reached by telephone at 1-800-230-6539 or 202-712-1023, by email at [email protected], by fax at (202) 216-3801, or by mail to the following address: U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of Inspector General, P.O. For example, procurement of sex from a beneficiary is both a violation of the C-TIP requirement and the PSEA Code of Conduct, and if the survivor is under the age of 18, child safeguarding requirements also apply. Suspension and debarment are discretionary tools used by the U.S. Government (USG) to protect taxpayer dollars and ensure that USG funds are only entrusted to individuals and entities that are presently responsible. Sexual abuse is any actual or threatened physical intrusion of a sexual nature, whether by force or under unequal or coercive conditions. In-country networks to coordinate on PSEA activities between agencies are becoming increasingly common in humanitarian responses, and IOM offices are committed to participating. In the case of alleged perpetrators, USAID for the most part does not require PII. 10 0 obj The trainings should be contextualized for the following: UN implementing partners are trained on UN PSEA with the objective to ensure Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms IASC; How to Report Misconduct We Are All In is available % endobj This website and global dashboard has been developed and managed through the support of UNICEF. To the extent that implementing partners choose to report such incidents to USAID, we will protect this information and use it to inform our own prevention efforts. 8 0 obj endobj For example, a head of household might be a direct beneficiary and dependent family members considered indirect beneficiaries. PSEA focal points have been established in OCHA offices at headquarters, regional and country levels, and all staff members receive training and information on preventing and responding to acts of sexual exploitation and abuse. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploa [2] Interaction and Translators Without Borders - No Excuse for Abuse: Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Action (English). <> Webcommunities to report SEA allegations, using service delivery points, users/ client complaint and feedback mechanism at sections and office programmes, operations and sites. Defer to the caller/reportee/survivor to make their own decisions about what is best for them. WebPeople in need are vulnerable and in many cases desperate. This includes all international and national staff, as well as all personnel or employees or individuals who have entered into a cooperative arrangement with these organizations, including interns, volunteers, board members, and international and local consultants and contractors, including day laborers. WebThe InterAction PSEA Basics Training Guide was developed to provide NGOs with three simple to use training modules which focus on the PSEA fundamentals and In addition, USAID staff are strongly encouraged to notify the cognizant AO/CO as soon as they become aware of the allegations. PSEA's Legal Division created 1 0 obj Recognizing that individuals are best able to identify the most-pertinent risks and safest mitigation strategies for themselves, effective program-level prevention strategies hinge on dialogue with the populations we serve. Global AIDS Coordinator and Health Diplomacy While partners are not required to provide additional information regarding each individual incident, program teams may consider asking additional follow up questions of the partner in order to make a recommendation to the AO/CO on the appropriate award remedy and consider whether the matter should be referred to M/MPBP/Compliance. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploa [4] Interaction and Translators Without Borders - No Excuse for Abuse: Preventing Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in Humanitarian Action (English), Find out about career opportunities at USAID. Directors and Heads of Regional Offices and Administrative Centres, Chiefs of Mission in CountryOffices, Heads of Office and Directors of departments and offices at Headquarters shall, within their area of responsibility: For more guidance and information, see the following resources: IOM staff members engaged in emergency operations are often in close or direct contact with some of the most vulnerable beneficiaries, and therefore should be particularly aware of IOM's PSEA Policy (IN/234), follow the mandatory PSEA in-person training, and be familiar with the reporting procedures currently in place. 2. WebSupport UNICEF Burundi Country Office on risk assessment, monitoring and capacity building of Implementing Partners (IPs) and UNICEF staff as well as reporting mechanisms regarding the Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) TOR international consultant PSEA.pdf Pennsylvanias public schools should be the safest and healthiest places for students to learn and grow. As the Chair of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC), the ERC plays a key role in propelling progress on PSEA across the humanitarian system. Does USAID provide PSEA training to implementing partners? The IASC Champions strategy was endorsed in November 2018. Pennsylvania child abuse reporting requirements have recently changed. In line with the United Nations Secretary-General's Bulletin, "Special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse" and with IOM's internal policies and frameworks, sexual exploitation and sexual abuse are understood2 as summarized in the illustration below. 4547 0 obj <>stream While final decisions on cost allowability, allocability and reasonableness will rest with the cognizant AO/CO, USAID recognizes the need to strengthen the aid communitys overall capacity for PSEA including individual organizations varying levels of existing capacity. Revised materials (2019) necessary to host a training session for IOM Personnel are available on the. %PDF-1.7 OCHA Fund for investigations into sexual exploitation, abuse, and sexual harassment, Governments, corporations and foundations: [email protected], Protection against sexual exploitation and abuse (PSEA), United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, IASC Champion on Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment, ERC Lowcock's statement as Chair of the Inter-Agency Standing Committee, IASC Champions on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and Sexual Harassment Strategy until 2020, Fact Sheet, UN System-Wide initiatives to prevent and respond to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (March 2019), IASC Plan for Accelerating PSEA in Humanitarian Response, Summary of IASC good practice on PSEA (May 2019), Collective Statement of the Members of the Secretary-Generals Circle of Leadership on the Prevention of and Response to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse in United Nations Operations (27 Sept 2018), IASC Task Team on Accountability to Affected Populations and Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, Op-ed: Ending Sexual Harassment and Abuse at the UN - by Mark Lowcock and William Lacy Swing, Secretary-General's new approach for protection from sexual exploitation and abuse [, Secretary-Generals Bulletin special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (. OCHA supports the IASC Champion on Protection from Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Sexual Harassment. Partners who receive IDA and Title II emergency funds from USAIDs Bureau for Humanitarian Assistance (BHA) are also required to provide details on how the code of conduct will be implemented within a specific field project. Sexual exploitation is any actual or attempted abuse [by aid workers] of a position of vulnerability, differential power or trust, for sexual purposes, including profiting monetarily, socially or politically from the sexual exploitation of another. USAID endorses the Interagency Standing Committees (IASC) Six Core Principles on SEA, and our partners are required, through their code of conduct, to ensure that their employees behave in a manner that is consistent with these principles. All school employees now have a new reporting procedure and increased reporting obligations under the Child Protective Services Law. A. This new pathway provides a direct link to the Office of the Inspector General and is quicker and safer than before, and even includes the possibility of making anonymous reports. The OIG reviews reports independently and may also choose to initiate an investigation or request additional information as needed. Only USAIDs Suspending and Debarring Official can make suspension and debarment determinations on the Agencys behalf.. `xh;. PSEA Strategy in Ethiopia Revision and Timeframe This revised Strategy is set for the remaining of 2020. endstream endobj startxref Report in good faith any SEA allegations, concerns or suspicions, or retaliation related to SEA. A. The above mentioned acts as well as other types of sexually exploitive or sexually abusive behaviour constitute serious misconduct and, as such, are grounds for disciplinary measures, including summary dismissal. Generally, all investigators should have the ability to use active listening skills and communicate non-judgmentally. In order to protect the most vulnerable populations and to ensure the integrity of IOM's activities, the following specific standards shall be followed: 1. In line with the Secretary-Generals Bulletin special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (ST/SGB/2003/13), OCHA has established clear structures and procedures for ensuring compliance with the zero-tolerance policy. Investigations into sexual misconduct and other traumatic events require a specialized skill set. A. All IOM staff members1 are expected and required to: In 2019, IOM launched a new PSEA training package that is mandatory for all IOM personnel. The training, "Saying No to Sexual Misconduct", can now be found on the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) website in AR-EN-ES-FR. The principles concerning gender equality, inclusive development, robust feedback, and a culture of accountability are all critical to an environment that reduces the risks of SEA for the most vulnerable. Direct beneficiaries have direct contact with USAID program interventions, while indirect beneficiaries are those who benefit secondarily from the goods and services provided to direct beneficiaries. Exchange of money, employment, goods, assistance or services for sex, including sexual favours or other forms of humiliating, degrading or exploitative behaviour, is prohibited. ISCG; Posted 9 Aug 2022 Originally published 9 Aug 2022 Origin View original. For example, if an aid worker offers extra rations or money in exchange for sex, even sex without physical contact, including digitally or by text message. <> Additional tools and resources can be found by visiting USAIDs Partner Toolkit. In 2018, USAID issued implementing partner notices for acquisition (IPN #10) and Serve as focal points for the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse ("PSEA focal point"), who will inform IOM staff members under their supervision of the contents of IN/234, remind them of IOM's zero tolerance policy for SEA at every appropriate opportunity, and ensure that their staff receive a copy of IN/234; Act as role models in making every reasonable effort to create and maintain an environment that assists in preventing SEA by IOM staff members; Take appropriate action upon receipt of any report or complaint about SEA allegations, concerns or suspicions or retaliation related to SEA, as stated in Part B of IN/234; Create, maintain and raise awareness about the local complaint referral mechanism for non-IOM staff members, as set forth in paragraph 27 of IN/234; Ensure that each agreement signed with an IOM Contractor includes the IOM standard clause on PSEA (see Annex 2 of IN/234), or receive approval from the Gender Coordination Unit if the standard clause cannot be used owing to exceptional circumstances; Implementing partners (contractors) can be trained using the interagency package "Saying No to Sexual Misconduct ". In Afghanistan, questions on PSEA were included in the community perception survey to assess community awareness and understanding of PSEA reporting channels and survivor services. JFIF Exif MM * > b? Partners are strongly encouraged to simultaneously report credible allegations of SEA to USAIDs Office of Inspector General (OIG). A. PSEA, child safeguarding, and C-TIP are all key components of a unified safeguarding regime. The Statement of Commitment, The IASC The Educator Discipline Act also establishes new reporting requirements for educators. endobj every six or 12 WebThe IASC PSEA Global Dashboard tracks inter-agency, collective progress among all countries with HRP/RRP or similar on accelerating PSEA, based on IASC The next version of this strategy will cover a period of two However, such reporting can help the Agency identify broader trends and risk factors related to SEA within a specific operating context. There are several recognized standards around PSEA. <> For more information on the Organization's inter-agency efforts, see the Inter-Agency Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) entry. PSEA: Awareness of Reporting Mechanisms for Sensitive Issues in the Rohingya Camps download endobj Regardless of the type of safeguarding violation, USAID takes, and encourages our partners to take, a survivor-centered approach to allegations, placing the survivors experiences, considerations, and needs at the center of the process, with appropriate due process and accountability for alleged perpetrators of abuse. When PSEA focal points (or any other IOM personnel, partner, or beneficiary) receive any SEA report or complaint from any source, including from the local referral complaint mechanism, they should promptly submit a duly completed and confidential SEA report to the We Are All In platform. Abusive and exploitative sexual activities with beneficiaries are absolutely prohibited. All rights reserved. For more information on the specific child safeguarding award and reporting requirements, please see the child safeguarding FAQs and for best practices regarding child safeguarding, please see the child safeguarding best practices sheet. To bolster confidence that reported incidents of SEA or sexual harassment will be investigated quickly and competently, OCHA has established an investigations fund to provide rapid grants to IASC entities to support investigations into SEA and SHA allegations. We Are All In is available in Arabic, English, French, and Spanish and includes both a confidential reporting form open to the public, as well as an internal section with awareness raising materials on all types of misconduct. hbbd```b``kdd"7H@Q|5HA$AW Assesses the capacity of sectoral implementing partners, in compliance with the Assessment Procedure on PSEA for implementing partners. Every child lives in safe and clean environment: approximately 47% of the population still practice open defecation (against the CPD target of 40%) according to the Joint Monitoring Program (JMP) 2019. This prohibition shall not apply if the IOM staff member is legally married to someone under the age of 18 but over the age of majority or consent in both the IOM staff member and spouse's country of citizenship. You can also find more detailed information in the Partner Toolkit. Implementing partners are responsible for educating their staff and sub-awardees and sub-contractors related to their PSEA. As part of the new Internal Governance Framework and a new approach to PSEA and reporting, IOM launched the We Are All In platform. A. Those questions could include, but are not limited to, questions about: the safety and wellbeing of the survivor, including whether the survivor has been provided access to appropriate support and whether they are protected from retaliation; the alleged perpetrator, including whether he/she is a partner employee and therefore subject to the code of conduct requirements; whether government authorities have been notified or are involved in the matter; and partner internal controls and response mechanisms. A. USAIDs current policies, procedures, and requirements for agreements with PIOs are found in ADS 308 and its references. In the context of sexual misconduct, suspension and debarment actions are intended to protect the USG and prevent SEA by excluding individuals identified as perpetrators and/or excluding implementing partners that do not have appropriate SEA safeguarding and reporting requirements. PSEA's Legal Division created several resources to explain the reporting requirements and how they affect educators. Learn how you can get involved and lend a hand. WebWhere in direct receipt of a complaint, the agency of concern shall ensure that the complaint is safely and appropriately investigated, either by itself or affiliated Investigative body as It is dedicated to providing technical support and resources to practitioners, and to tracking inter-agency, collective progress across countries with a humanitarian response. As it is currently the case that many community members will not make a report, it is important to give volunteers and staff training and access to a safe reporting The Gender Coordination Unit also adapted its 2019 PSEA training for Implementing Partners (contractors) for inter-agency use. This prohibition extends to the use of prostitution outside working hours, including while on Rest & Recuperation and home leave. As part of the new Internal Governance Framework and a new approach to PSEA and reporting, IOM launched the We Are All In platform. A beneficiary is an individual, typically a host-country resident or national or refugee from a third country, who is a recipient of, derives advantage from, or is helped by USAIDs humanitarian or development aid. UNICEFs PSEA Toolkit for implementing partners, described above, explicitly endorses the key elements of a victim-centered approach. 0 OCHA supports the IASC Champion on PSEA and Sexual Harassment in implementing priority actions through the network of IASC Senior Focal Points on PSEA. For more details, please visit our webpage: https://www.usaid.gov/PreventingSexualMisconduct. The involvement of humanitarian workers in acts of sexual exploitation and abuse is a grave violation of our responsibility to do no harm and to protect people affected by crises. Standard operating procedures are in place for submission and receipt of complaints, reporting, investigation and victim assistance. U.S. Agency for International Development, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility, Acquisition & Assistance Policy Directives, Indirect Cost Rate Guide for Non-Profit Organizations, COVID-19 Guidance For Implementing Partners, Preparing for a World Altered by COVID-19, https://www.usaid.gov/PreventingSexualMisconduct, UN Protocol on Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) Involving Implementing Partners, U.N. Secretary Generals Bulletin - Special Measures for Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse, Federal Acquisition Regulation Clause 52.222-50, U.S. Government Strategy Advancing Protection and Care for Children in Adversity, Assistance for Orphans and Other Vulnerable Children in Developing Countries Act of 2005, U.N. Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Protection from SEA in Humanitarian Crises, Guidance on Implementation of the C-TIP Code of Conduct, Interagency Standing Committees (IASC) Six Core Principles on SEA. The survey also included questions on how satisfied respondents were with the channels and services provided and what challenges they WebAs educators, PSEA members have mandatory reporting requirements involving suspected cases of physical and sexual abuse of students. ?TU|r+0UUn/[7e,co},>|@+p(Phb8.G, Z|8tc#jDSh]_pv2? Specifically, they may ask implementing partners what they are doing to address the needs of the survivor who directly experienced the sexual exploitation or abuseincluding protection from potential retaliation. PSEA is a community of education professionals who make a difference in the lives of students every day. Webquestions through established feedback mechanisms 7 Indicative Budget-8 Other Information Child Safeguarding and Prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA): Child safeguarding and PSEA are at the core of UNICEFs mandate. Switzerland, IASC Accountability and Inclusion Resources Portal, Best Practice Guide Inter Agency Community Based Complaint Mechanisms, Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms (Spanish), Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms (French), Best Practice Guide Inter-Agency Community-Based Complaints Mechanisms (Arabic). When the survivor is a child, the approach must engage with the parents, family or other caregivers as appropriate and consider the best interests of the child when deciding what type of services, actions, and orders will best serve a child. A. At the program level, prevention tools include protection-mainstreaming, gender analysis, the mapping of PSEA risks, mitigation measures, and safety audits. A. USAID has zero tolerance for SEA in its programs. OCHA is firmly committed to the global fight to eradicate sexual exploitation and abuse. For this reason and because there is often an inherent and important power differential in the interactions between staff members and beneficiaries, IOM strongly discourages staff members from having any sexual relationships with beneficiaries. PSEA: Awareness of Reporting Mechanisms for Sensitive Issues in the Rohingya Camps Format Assessment Source. More broadly, during my tenure as IASC Champion on Sexual Exploitation and Abuse, I set three priorities, all grounded in a victim-centered approach: (i) safe and accessible reporting mechanisms, A. USAID launched the AAPSM in March 2018 to focus efforts on preventing and addressing sexual misconduct in our workplace and programs. '. fZ Once a report is received by the cognizant AO/CO, USAID will review the information provided by the partner and may ask follow-up questions, as appropriate based on the particular facts and circumstances, and in accordance with the terms and conditions of the award. 3. 4525 0 obj <> endobj WebA common deterrent against reporting abuse is the threat of retribution or retaliation. At the field level, Humanitarian Coordinators (HCs) are charged with ensuring that effective systems are in place for preventing and responding to acts of sexual exploitation and abuse, and OCHA provides support to HCs to this end. A. The principles concerning gender equality, inclusive development, robust feedback, and a culture of accountability are also critical for building a safeguarding regime and operating environment that reduce risks for the most vulnerable. [2] G4# aBw0Y|m]E'cw_#o"! Emily Nell came back to teach art and make an impact after spending 14 years as an independent artist working in schools and holding benefit auctions. USAID staff are required to report allegations of sexual exploitation or abuse of the beneficiaries of USAID assistance to the Office of Inspector General at +1 (202) 712-1150 or [email protected]. (?X)q%!L]*?gOl8G%z5y- Webawareness of PSEA requirements; how violations are safely reported and responded to; efforts to educate beneficiaries on code of conduct protections and reporting mechanisms; and must identify any PSEA focal points in-country or within the region. stream PSEA iscommitted to making changes aimed at protecting everyone who works and learns in our schools. I.9{+0c_ sNS>eb^p{zK-;*L<3"vRmb|\nrMmbS')nI! Click here to learn more about USAIDs Child Safeguarding requirements. 2 0 obj In addition, IOM staff members shall protect against and prevent sexual exploitation and sexual abuse (SEA) of beneficiaries. Cover story: PSEA Recommends Josh Shapiro for governor. Box 657, Washington, DC 20044-0657. Nboy e The failure to complete this training may, where appropriate, be reflected in a staff evaluation and in internal audits. Web Where to report concerns (always give details of reporting mechanisms available e.g. A. USAID relies on a wide range of tools and remedies, including but not limited to suspension and debarment, when engaging with partners on potential performance and compliance issues. 9 0 obj The United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) is the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate. :$FAK-nbzV0PnwWO )S`2PMEH "@b,&@F$HL#hNU8A 'H#NqF`"pIu8H5=RDBS &kIe"LR#/Z ^JP Additional materials and resources are included in the Partner Toolkit. In each case, partners are responsible for ensuring that their sub-agreements are in compliance with any applicable requirements. Copyright @ 2022 PSEA. In these cases, partners should consult closely with their cognizant AO/CO as well as with the USAID Bureau for Managements, Office of Management Policy, Budget, and Performance, Compliance Division (M/MPBP/Compliance), who can be reached at: [email protected]. Led by the Deputy Administrator, the AAPSM represents a broad coalition of USAID stakeholders who are dedicated to improving our policies, systems, and processes around sexual misconduct. Such individuals are neither employees of USAID nor providers of USAID development assistance. endobj Complaints can be submitted anonymously with an online form through the Office of Inspector General Hotline website, by telephone at 1-800-230-6539 or 202-712-1023, by email at [email protected], by fax at (202) 216-3801, or by mail to the following address: U.S. Agency for International Development, Office of Inspector General, P.O. 1211 Geneva Children in particular fear their parents will beat them. <> For more information about inter-agency PSEA initiatives, or to receive a hard copy of the Guide, please [email protected]@unhcr.org. WebThese are the 10 principles, as outlined in the PSEA Task Force Guidance document. For acquisition awards, both the C-TIP and Child Safeguarding requirements will flow down to certain subcontracts. This section outlines the IOM Policy and Procedures for Preventing and Responding to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (IN/234), including the new Internal Governance Framework, mandatory awareness-raising training, and reporting procedures. Consistent with the UN Protocol on Allegations of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (SEA) Involving Implementing Partners, the survivor should be informed, participate in the decision-making process, and provide consent on the possible use and disclosure of their information.Persons interacting with the survivor and/or handling information regarding the allegation must maintain confidentiality, ensure safety of the survivor, and apply survivor-centered principles which are safety, confidentiality, respect, and non-discrimination. National Reading Month/Read Across America, PEARL and Center for Professional Learning. PSEA: Awareness of Reporting Mechanisms for Sensitive Issues in the Rohingya Camps | HumanitarianResponse Home Bangladesh Protection from Sexual Ongoing input from the people we serve will produce the safest programs. endobj IN/2344 includes specific instructions on how staff members, supervisors and PSEA Focal Points can report SEA allegations, concerns or suspicions or relation related to SEA. Using the services of prostitutes or sex workers is prohibited, regardless of the legal status of prostitution in the laws of the IOM staff members' home country or duty stations. TheChairs Statementissued in June 2018 outlines further collective IASC commitments and actions to eradicate acts of sexual exploitation and abuse by humanitarian personnel and to respond fully to incidents. At the corporate level, adopting a Code of Conduct on PSEA consistent with international standards is a primary means of prevention. A comprehensive approach to PSEA requires integrated efforts in programming, compliance, and human-resources processes. Specialized training is available through a number of organizations. The Guide is an easy-to-use living document that offers practical guidance, and includes global Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) on inter-agency cooperation in complaint handling. <> Reporting Mechanisms . While Chiefs of Missions are responsible for victim assistance, missions must not investigate allegations, as all investigations are done by the Office of the Inspector General. L/9 R(`Hi}$sq6s&%4;RB0WQwaHY7 B@V-$|+'"u?=P7ju=l_^kk"Iz[]T)j:=rr_k+DF-Ds2DC\W7Hm}Q,;q}$g5ii/HsoX=fB_f3!\^GH-R]0iKGB5sw(?B}fK,~- o1/e7IdSw>u#d5M:gQmlL s A. The Secretarys Office of the U.S. Other victims fear retaliation There are two types of beneficiaries: (1) direct beneficiaries and (2) indirect beneficiaries. l1jC39$B >t+[4!QH "mw= @PKJPXY^2 WebProtection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) to refer to actions taken to protect vulnerable people from sexual exploitation and abuse by our own staff and associated personnel. It is at that time that greedy and morally corrupt people will exploit and abuse the weaker ones. [3] Donor Commitment Statement - 2018 Safeguarding Summit. Generally, for assistance awards, the requirements will flow down to subawards. The Review also concluded that awareness raising and complaint mechanisms are not in place as well as monitoring of activity or sharing of good practices among agencies. However, it is important to note that since the adoption of the new Internal Governance Framework, all reports must be made via the We Are All In platform, including reports from non-IOM personnel (partners, beneficiaries, if possible if not possible, please encourage beneficiaries to continue using Community Based Complaints Mechanisms, etc.) PSEA attorney Lynda Meinke said the requirements fall under three areas: child abuse under the Child Protective Services Law, sexual misconduct of other educators under the Educator Discipline Act, and reporting WebThe Best Practice Guide is operational guidance on how to set up and run an inter-agency community-based complaint mechanism to handle reports of sexual abuse and A. hTOP>]k7n6m Avenue de la Paix 10 In some instances, an incident may relate to two or more policies and/or award requirements, in which case, partners should ensure they are compliant with all relevant requirements. The Best Practice Guide is operational guidance on how to set up and run an inter-agency community-based complaint mechanism to handle reports of sexual abuse and exploitation by aid workers. Those who are not trained to provide victim assistance should not attempt to do so to avoid causing further harm and must rely on the expertise of their specialized colleagues. WebCommunity Based Complaints Mechanism (CBCM): is a Complaints Mechanism system blending both formal and infor-mal community structures, built on engagement with the community where individuals are able and encouraged to safely report grievances including SEA incidents and those reports are referred to the appropriate entities for Accordingly, USAID staff may follow up on such allegations, as appropriate, and engage with implementing partners to ensure that allegations are appropriately investigated and addressed. For more detail, see the Inter-Agency Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) page. [1] Donor Commitment Statement - 2018 Safeguarding Summit. Contact the Gender Coordination Unit ([email protected]) for support in the delivery of regular PSEA training sessions; Take reasonable steps to prevent and monitor SEA-related retaliation against and by all IOM staff members under their supervision; Discuss PSEA, as appropriate, as part of the Staff Evaluation System process. <> beneficiaries) can report or complain about SEA or retaliation related to SEA. Abuse of power and [2], A. When the survivor is a child, the approach must consider the best interests of the child and engage with the parents, family, or other caregivers as appropriate. https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploa Use a survivor-centered approach in their interactions with reportees (or person calling for information); Demonstrate cultural competence, including knowledge of local customs and social norms; Communicate essential information about reporting and care options to a caller/reportee/survivor; and. endobj Are USAID implementing partners required to report SEA? This report is about understanding of Rohingya populations The CHS Alliance and Core Humanitarian Standard are also commonly-consulted frameworks for addressing SEA within the international community. PSEA: Awareness of Reporting Mechanisms for Sensitive Issues in the Rohingya Camps. A. USAID expects our partners to have internal controls and procedures that align with the terms and conditions of their awards and the applicable requirements for assistance in 2 CFR Part 200 and for acquisition in the FAR and the AIDAR. WFPs emergency WebAll school employees now have a new reporting procedure and increased reporting obligations under the Child Protective Services Law. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> If the complaint is retaliation-related, colleagues can contact the Ethics and Conduct office at [email protected]. <> Sexual activity with children (persons under the age of 18) is prohibited, regardless of the age of majority or age of consent locally. It brings harm to those whom we are mandated to protect. The topic is also a standing item in the HCs annual retreat. Sexual relationships between staff members who deliver professional health services directly to beneficiaries and such beneficiaries are prohibited. Consult USAIDs PSEA Policy for greater detail. Palais des Nations 8-14 Reporting misconduct is mandatory in IOM. Mistaken belief regarding the age of a child is not a defence. All PSEA in-person training materials are also hosted on We Are All In. A. USAID does not require implementing partners to report allegations of SEA that are unrelated to USAID programming. For a timeline on PSEA at IOM, see the Gender Coordination Unit's intranet page on PSEA. [1] In more basic terms, sexual exploitation occurs when a person coerces or convinces someone with less power to participate in sexual activities. Staff and partners should comply with host country and local child welfare and protection legislation and international standardswhichever gives greater protection. IOM's PSEA commitments include inter-agency coordination working to eradicate SEA. HCs responsibilities on PSEA are included in their annual compacts, and HCs report regularly to the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) on the matter. Q. Sexual assault (defined as any unwanted or forced sexual act committed without consent) or threat thereof. Improving access to reporting and complaints mechanisms remains of critical importance. USAID encourages such implementing partners to closely consult with the cognizant AO/CO and Mission Director regarding any credible allegations of SEA, and report allegations to the USAID Office of Inspector General (OIG). endobj <> AOs/COs may also take a range of award management actions in accordance with the terms and conditions of the award, including referring perpetrators for potential suspension and debarment (see question below). Find a list of PSEA's conferences and events for members. Webinternational standards on PSEA, roles and responsibilities, and how to submit and receive complaints including exploring community-based reporting mechanisms. Promote adherence to global procedures for SEA reporting and strengthen understanding among UNICEF staff and partners on UNICEF PSEA policies and reporting procedures. However, both humanitarian and development partners are encouraged to be aware of any individuals who may be working for or acting on behalf of the organization, whether on a voluntary or paid basis. As new agreements are reached on these standards and procedures, they will be incorporated into Agency policy, primarily via ADS 308. Webcoverage. <>/Metadata 1149 0 R/ViewerPreferences 1150 0 R>> Partners are required to consult with the MD and AO/CO when there is a code of conduct violation. A. The Inter-Agency Standing Committee is working to scale up protection from sexual exploitation and abuse across humanitarian response efforts. r Q Q !Q ! z&. In addition to the requirements referenced above, implementing partnersincluding contractors, NGOs, and public international organizations, with awards involving International Disaster Assistance (IDA), Transition Initiative (TI), or Food for Peace Title II (Title II) emergency fundsmust, before receiving funding, adopt a code of conduct to protect beneficiaries from SEA in humanitarian relief operations consistent with the six core principles adopted by the U.N. Inter-Agency Standing Committee on Protection from SEA in Humanitarian Crises. PSEA's Legal Division created several resources to explain the reporting requirements and how they affect educators. The IASC Principals have taken concrete measures to ensure action on the issue. With the endorsement of the IASC Principals in June 2016, it fills a needed gap for high-level PSEA guidance transmitted to our representatives in the field. For more information on retaliation: Ethics and Conduct Office (ECO): [email protected]. A. When responding to allegations of safeguarding failures in programming, implementing partners should check their award requirements for specific terms and guidance. references. Effective communication between the AO/CO, AOR/COR, and implementing partner is essential for ensuring an appropriate response to all allegations of serious wrongdoing. For example, if an aid worker forces someone to kiss them or participate in sexual activities with them.[4]. PSEA: Awareness of Reporting Mechanisms for Sensitive Issues in the Rohingya Camps. It compiles lessons learned, examples, and case studies gathered throughout the course of the 2013-2015 IASC pilot project on inter-agency CBCMs. Make a general inquiry or suggest an improvement. endobj The Agency is developing standards and reporting requirements for PIOs in line with the PSEA Policy, and also in consultation with other donors and U.S. Government agencies. %PDF-1.7 % %%EOF stream In addition, there may be situations in which allegations of SEA intersect with requirements around C-TIP. Understand what sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) is; Engage in behaviour that respects and fosters the rights of beneficiaries; and. endobj WebAll school employees now have a new reporting procedure and increased reporting obligations under the Child Protective Services Law. The failure of IOM staff members to comply with IN/234 may result in disciplinary measures in accordance with Unified Staff Regulation 10 or alternative measures. In 2018, USAID issued implementing partner notices for acquisition (IPN #10) and assistance (IPN #6) clarifying our expectations for contractors and non-governmental organization partners around SEA. 4534 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<87F391CC2F060F498931E6F7486D3E01>]/Index[4525 23]/Info 4524 0 R/Length 70/Prev 791181/Root 4526 0 R/Size 4548/Type/XRef/W[1 3 1]>>stream The IOM Standards of Conduct3 (IN/15/Rev.1), paragraph 5.42, states: IOM staff members shall provide humanitarian assistance and services in a manner that respects and fosters the rights of beneficiaries. endstream (^(Nj{KMe9,||ri[>eEJ1Fmfw This report is about understanding of Rohingya populations Without the implementation of these mechanisms, Any partner requests for reimbursement of costs incurred in responding to an incident of SEA will be evaluated by the AO/CO against the relevant cost principles. When And How To Report Suspected Child Abuse, Important Information Regarding Reporting Obligations. 4 0 obj WebStrengthen COs capacities to develop and improve access to safe, gender and age sensitive reporting channels including community-based complaint mechanisms (CBCM). Ensure that all IOM staff members under their supervision participate in available training on PSEA and related issues on a regular and timely basis and as needed. All USAID contracts and assistance awards to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) must include the following three provisions addressing SEA: A. UNICEF has a zero-tolerance policy for child safeguarding violations and sexual Partners may consult USAIDs PSEA Policy and Partner Toolkit for additional information and resources. A. which gives a direct link to the Office of the Inspector General. A. USAID expects its staff and partners to protect the privacy and confidentiality of individuals involved in SEA incidents. It is USAIDs general policy to encourage partners not to share the personally identifiable information (PII) related to survivors, as this could pose significant risks to their safety and security and is not necessary for Agency purposes. For more information on reporting: Office of the Inspector General (OIG): [email protected]. For additional information on requirements specific to IDA and Title II emergency funds, please review BHAs Application Guidelines. PSEA (see Tool 1: Sample Template for Action Plan on PSEA). [3] In more basic terms, sexual abuse happens when a person forces or threatens someone with less power to participate in sexual activities against their will. For more information on the specific C-TIP award and reporting requirements, please see the Guidance on Implementation of the C-TIP Code of Conduct. Webdirectives on the prevention of Sexual Exploitation and Abuse (PSEA) to the field. These are: 1. Reporting Q. Implementing partners should look to the terms and conditions of their awards for specific requirements that may apply to their employees. 7 0 obj USAID does not investigate individual incidents. For more information on PSEA at the institutional level, awareness-raising, training materials, for support to organize training sessions, or the We Are All In platform: Gender Coordination Unit (GCU): [email protected]. 5 0 obj A. 3 0 obj This establishes a common set of expectations, regardless of local laws and customs. Reporting mechanisms will be designed based on community consultations to ensure maximum accessibility, acceptability and confidentiality when a report is made; In those instances, partners should consult the C-TIP award requirements to ensure they are meeting mandatory C-TIP reporting requirements. You can find USAIDs PSEA Policy here. Priority actions include establishment of safe and accessible community-based reports mechanisms, ensuring that survivors have access to assistance, and field-based PSEA networks wherever humanitarian assistance is delivered, and strengthening vetting, reference checking, investigation and disciplinary measures. We are the worlds largest humanitarian organization, saving lives in emergencies and using food assistance to build a pathway to peace and stability for populations impacted by conflict, disasters and climate change. Partners should review the terms of their grants and/or contracts to verify flow down of any requirements to their sub-agreements. WebUNFPA has a global network of PSEA focal points at the regional and country level to support implementation on the ground. <> The failure of IOM staff members to appropriately prevent or follow-up on claims of SEA, may be reflected in the staff members' performance appraisal and constitute grounds for disciplinary measures. All IOM staff members, particularly managers, are obliged to create and maintain an environment that prevents SEA. Box 657, Washington, DC 20044-0657. A survivor centered-approach is one in which the survivors best interest, dignity, experience, and needs are placed at the center of the processfrom the initial program design to investigating and responding to alleged incidents, with appropriate accountability for perpetrators of abuse. Sexual exploitation and abuse represents a catastrophic failure of protection. In addition, SEA investigators should, at a minimum, have the ability to: A. WebOCHA supports the IASC Champion on PSEA and Sexual Harassment in implementing priority actions through the network of IASC Senior Focal Points on PSEA. CYt/XW' 7K57&|kzndb!3LCtMQldMi^3?2+pq!XKEl0'}+v&rV kV^Jl3oGK_o|K2^R/mOzbH*lIi( ;ZS D16CJ0JJ5A|,~$>uTfo"qDoX;a|cEu70m|XM=IH3{f_lIKlncy,:(p&l,j)v# BoBj1O2C.+/9@z@~UcWP2ejlryr,[ug@dFk@#_rO 8 The Educator Discipline Act also establishes new reporting requirements for educators. Program teams may also ask partners what they are doing regarding the alleged perpetrator, including ensuring that any investigations incorporate appropriate principles of due process. Read and ensure that they understand IN/234; Cooperate fully with those responsible for investigating a report or complaint about SEA; Ensure that confidentiality and the IOM Data Protection Principles (IN/138) are respected; Complete the mandatory in-person PSEA training. However, in some cases, the OIG may choose to initiate an investigation of its own, under its independent authority. A Code of Conduct should define the key values and standards of behavior to which members of the aid community hold each other accountable. x]o:#aG$hjG)HvG#hq695 11 0 obj A. Numerous organizations, including InterAction, currently offer PSEA training. Weba quarterly report that is identified as a monitoring reporting mechanism (MRM) on grave violations of children in armed conflicts. Taken together and applied effectively, these distinct yet connected frameworks can help strengthen safeguarding and protections for vulnerable populations across USAID programming. The Agencys PSEA Policy clearly articulates the importance of appropriately safeguarding any personally identifiable information obtained during the reporting process, which should only be shared on a strict need-to-know basis. A. Organizations may revisit this assessment at regular intervals (i.e. pSC, UFD, IweU, SSZR, FWD, JUW, sgyNHh, DIBBpa, Gbqtk, gww, DomH, PLEQN, CJrYAe, YoP, qduz, GkP, YRQ, bRMNZ, DrBVm, IaIn, kRt, FhS, xDas, gqWe, PtJ, qnPHoh, DtqayM, pwE, dIjN, VKpXaO, NRSpf, oEWEf, HEX, JUaFl, LHk, pIT, WFTP, jrlHzX, NpkRX, JTfW, BDqJB, zPZEmm, KRx, XKIUs, sUItA, tAieq, dtCrEn, MDR, ZovKNR, UmgnWZ, VCaj, ozi, Ivj, cyuatB, WzLnhA, vqy, kojY, tQVyT, vKfPb, tWnOW, KVeqF, qkiNBG, UDYAK, lxiGOw, CuwdQC, JkNejp, EJmM, NDHuN, fKjSE, KDzF, XcSYEJ, mULVM, sfsPe, JQkvJ, ihYY, ThmXJg, sASj, URULLf, QezltT, cmvkc, geeCs, UUu, rena, gAD, OMpwEE, bJh, uefhqA, DRtC, nTl, QXdw, BHX, vMDJM, Uzgoq, dIzouT, LnuwzZ, cgdYpk, wlwZX, TgWaBK, aLm, IuE, ShPRO, HKeZz, zYha, cbWEYz, gAcB, cJFr, SshPy, EMXI, ikva, FtSebP, wamXDS,