(xii) If it fails to bear, directly thereon or on its containers, when required by 381.123, the official inspection legend and the official establishment number of the establishment where the product was processed; and unrestricted by any of the foregoing; such other information as the Administrator may require in the regulations to assure that it will not have false or misleading labeling and that the public will be informed of the manner of handling required to maintain the article in a wholesome condition. Monounsaturated fat content shall be indented and expressed as grams per serving to the nearest 0.5 (12)-gram increment below 5 grams and to the nearest gram increment above 5 grams. (7) Except as provided for in paragraph (g) of this section, and except as permitted by 381.500(d)(2), nutrient information for both mandatory and any voluntary nutrients listed in paragraph (c) of this section that are to be declared in the nutrition label, except vitamins and minerals, shall be declared as follows: (i) The name of each nutrient, as specified in paragraph (c) of this section, shall be given in a column and followed immediately by the quantitative amount by weight for that nutrient appended with a g for grams or mg for milligrams. (b) Reinspection. The mixture is then poured into a sieve or a muslin cloth where it is squeezed by hand. Nevertheless, Table 6.5 shows some comparisons between VCO and RBD coconut oil. Any unauthorized use or disposition of approved labeling or devices bearing official inspection marks is prohibited and may result in cancellation of the approval. Disinfect these containers by either of the following methods: (i) Immerse in a solution of sodium hypochlorite containing not less than 100 p/m of available chlorine or other equivalent disinfectant approved by the Administrator,1 rinse in potable water, and dry thoroughly; or. The platform must have a safe lift mechanism and be large enough for the inspector to sit on a stool and to change stations during breaks or station rotation. (D) Using data for specific food factors for particular foods or ingredients approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and provided in parts 172 or 184 of 21 CFR, or by other means, as appropriate. The standardised Elfering products are made from certain parts of the entire shaft body, depending on the intended use. U.S. Condemned. Product described in this paragraph is not subject to the freezing procedures required in 381.66(f)(2) of this subchapter. (i) For a new establishment or any establishment for which information from last year's electronic certification or paper certificate has changed, the certification or certificate must contain: The date; the foreign country; the foreign establishment's name, address, and foreign establishment number; the foreign official's title; the foreign official's signature (for paper certificates only); the type of operation(s) conducted at the establishment (e.g., slaughter, processing, storage, exporting warehouse); and the establishment's eligibility status (e.g., new or relisted (if previously delisted)). (b) Labeling applications included in this section are: (1) Labeling applications for a new (heretofore unauthorized) nutrient content claim, (2) Labeling applications for a synonymous term (i.e., one that is consistent with a term defined by regulation) for characterizing the level of a nutrient, and. Chill: Refrigerate perishable food (food that goes bad) within 2 hours. The protein digestibility-corrected amino acid score shall be determined by methods given in sections 5.4.1, 7.2.1, and 8 in Protein Quality Evaluation, Report of the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Consultation on Protein Quality Evaluation, Rome, 1990, which is incorporated by reference. This content is from the eCFR and may include recent changes applied to the CFR. (d) Any person receiving inspection service may, if dissatisfied with any decision of an inspector relating to any inspection, file an appeal from such decision: Provided, That such appeal is filed within 48 hours from the time the decision was made. Dont worry we wont send you spam or share your email address with anyone. It may be dipped in batter, fried, and frozen. [60 FR 214, Jan. 3, 1995, as amended at 69 FR 58803, Oct. 1, 2004; 75 FR 82167, Dec. 29, 2010]. The eCFR is displayed with paragraphs split and indented to follow 381.225 Criteria and procedure for designating establishments with operations which would clearly endanger the public health; disposition of poultry products therein. 5. The latest report is published by June of each year. (a) Except for products offered for entry from Canada, poultry products which upon reinspection are found to be acceptable for entry into the United States shall be marked with the official inspection legend shown in paragraph (b) of this section. Numeric characters that are identical in both languages need not be repeated (e.g., Protein/Proteinas 2 g). (c) The declaration of nutrition information on the label or in labeling of a poultry product shall contain information about the level of the following nutrients, except for those nutrients whose inclusion, and the declaration of amounts, is voluntary as set forth in this paragraph. (4) For products in discrete units (e.g., chicken wings, and individually packaged products within a multi-serving package), and for products which consist of two or more foods packaged and presented to be consumed together where the ingredient represented as the main ingredient is in discrete units (e.g., chicken wings and barbecue sauce), the serving size shall be declared as follows: (i) If a unit weighs 50 percent or less of the Reference Amount, the serving size shall be the number of whole units that most closely approximates the Reference Amount for the product category. Fresh poultry should always bear a "keep refrigerated" statement. (i) Very small establishments are establishments with fewer than 10 employees or annual sales of less than $2.5 million. With each subsequent extraction, the oil level of the resulting coconut milk decreases, which varies according to the amount of water added to the mixture. (ii) The NELS Inspection System shall be used only for broilers and cornish game hens if: (a) The operator requests the NELS Inspection System, and. For purposes of determining compliance with the finished product standards, the CUSUM is equal to the sum of prior test results plus the weighted result of the current test minus the tolerance, with the condition that the resulting CUSUM cannot go below zero. If a subsequent review of any material indicates that it meets the requirements of paragraph (a), the material will be deleted from the listing. (1) Foods represented to be specifically for infants and children less than 2 years of age shall bear nutrition labeling as provided in paragraph (c)(2) of this section, except such labeling shall not include calories from fat, calories from saturated fat, saturated fat, stearic acid, polyunsaturated fat, monounsaturated fat, and cholesterol. Hence, compliance with U.S. regulations for packaged foods will almost always assure compliance with Philippine regulations. (7) Labeling applications for a new Reference Amount and/or Product Category shall be accompanied by the following data which shall be submitted in the following form to the Director, Food Labeling Division, Regulatory Programs, Food Safety and Inspection Service, Washington, DC 20250: The undersigned, ____________ submits this labeling application pursuant to 9 CFR 381.412 with respect to Reference Amount and/or Product Category. (viii) Online handrinsing facilities with a continuous flow of water must be provided for and within easy reach of each inspector and each establishment helper. (f) Periodically, the Administrator will issue to inspectors a listing, by distinguishing brand name or code designation, of packaging materials that have been reviewed and that fail to meet the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section. When the Administrator has made such determination and subjected a restaurant central kitchen facility to such inspection requirements, the operator of such facility shall be afforded an opportunity to dispute the Administrator's determination in a hearing pursuant to rules of practice which will be adopted for this proceeding. (3) Chemicals added for sanitization purposes shall be automatically dispensed. (3) Upon written request, and under such conditions as may be prescribed by the Administrator, in specific cases, ready-to-cook poultry which is to be frozen immediately may be moved from the official establishment prior to freezing: Provided, That the plant and freezer are so located and such necessary arrangements are made that the Inspection Service will have access to the freezing room and adequate opportunity to determine compliance with the time and temperature requirements specified in paragraph (f)(2) of this section. False or misleading labeling or containers. (2) All individuals employed by the establishment from a temporary employee agency, professional employee organization, or leasing concern whose duties involve handling the poultry products prepared by the establishment are counted when calculating the total number of employees. (ii) Floor space for all offline verification inspection stations must consist of a minimum of 3 feet along each conveyor line and after each chiller, as applicable, to allow carcasses to be removed for evaluation by the verification inspector. 3.2.4 Mutton Tallow. (3) The slaughtering by any person of poultry of his own raising, and the processing by him and transportation in commerce of the poultry products exclusively for use by him and members of his household and his nonpaying guests and employees: Provided, That in lieu of complying with all the adulteration and misbranding provisions of the Act, such poultry is healthy and is slaughtered and processed under such sanitary standards, practices, and procedures as result in the preparation of poultry products that are sound, clean, and fit for human food, and the shipping containers of such poultry products bear the producer's name and address and the statement Exempted - P.L. Poultry products which have been inspected and passed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and are so marked, and are returned from foreign countries, may be imported if they are not adulterated or misbranded at the time of such return. Marking of poultry products offered for entry; official import inspection marks and devices. (b) An establishment that has 25 or fewer employees based on the following standards is considered to have 25 or fewer employees on average for purposes of this subpart. Import Regulations for Processed Food Products. (6) Failure to meet criteria. See the 'Cross Reference' blocks in the text of this content for more information. In prehistoric times, humankind hunted aurochs and later domesticated them. If such nonconformances are present at certain statistical levels, it may indicate process difficulties requiring corrective action by the establishment. The MAV Administration, including its allocation, is handled by a special MAV Management Committee. (a) Before inspection is granted, FSIS shall survey the establishment to determine if the construction and facilities of the establishment are in accordance with the regulations. Young Turkey is a carcass of a turkey that has flexible cartilage at the posterior end of the breast bone or keel bone, tender meat and soft skin of smooth texture. WebBeef is the culinary name for meat from cattle (Bos taurus).. (fondre), "seasoning" and "spices" means the seasonings and spices that are referred to in Division 7 of Part B of the Food and Drug Regulations. Temperatures and chilling and freezing procedures. Reasonable variations caused by loss or gain of moisture during the course of good distribution practices or by unavoidable deviations in good manufacturing practices will be recognized. The terms light or lite may be used on the label or in labeling of products, except meal-type products as defined in 381.413(l) and main-dish products as defined in 381.413(m), without further qualification, provided that: (1) If the product derives 50 percent or more of its calories from fat, its fat content is reduced by 50 percent or more per reference amount customarily consumed compared to an appropriate reference product as described in 381.413(j)(1); or. Examples: airsacculitis, salpingitis, nephritis, spleen, or liver conditions requiring removal of the kidneys. Mechanically separated poultry has been used in poultry products since 1969. Poultry dinners (frozen) and pies shall meet the requirements set forth in Table III of this section and the percentage or weight specified therein shall be calculated on the basis of total ingredients used in the preparation of the poultry product. During the 1970s these techniques became more common in other parts of the world as well. Immediate container. Persons engaged (not in or for commerce) in (1) the business of slaughtering any poultry or processing, freezing, packaging, or labeling any poultry carcasses, or parts or products thereof, for use as human food or animal food; (2) the business of buying or selling (as a poultry products broker, wholesaler, or otherwise), transporting or storing any poultry carcasses, or parts or products thereof; or (3) business as a renderer or in the business of buying, selling, or transporting any dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry or parts of carcasses of any poultry that died otherwise than by slaughter, Persons engaged (not in or for commerce) in business as a poultry products broker; renderer; animal food manufacturer; wholesaler or public warehouseman of poultry carcasses, or parts or products thereof; or buying, selling, or transporting dead, dying, disabled, or diseased poultry or parts of carcasses of any poultry that died otherwise than by slaughter, Persons engaged (not in or for commerce) in the business of buying, selling or transporting any dead, dying, disabled or diseased poultry, or parts or carcasses of any poultry that died otherwise than by slaughter, Dinner, soups, ready-to-serve junior type, Dinner, stew or soup ready-to-serve toddlers, Plain poultry and poultry sticks, ready-to-serve, Egg mixtures, (western style omelet, souffle, egg foo young with poultry), Salad and potato toppers; e.g., poultry bacon bits, Dried; e.g., poultry jerky, dried poultry, poultry sausage products with a moisture/protein ratio of less than 2:1, Luncheon products, poultry bologna, poultry Canadian style bacon, poultry crumbles, poultry luncheon loaf, potted poultry products, poultry taco filings, Linked poultry sausage products, poultry franks, poultry Polish sausage, smoked or pickled poultry meat, poultry smoked sausage, Entrees without sauce, poultry cuts, ready to cook poultry cuts, including marinated, tenderized, injected cuts of poultry, poultry corn dogs, poultry croquettes, poultry fritters, cured poultry ham products, adult pureed poultry, Mixed dishes, measurables with a cup; e.g., poultry casserole, macaroni and cheese with poultry, poultry pot pie, poultry spaghetti with sauce, poultry chili, poultry chili with beans, poultry hash, creamed dried poultry, poultry ravioli in sauce, poultry a la king, poultry stew, poultry goulash, poultry lasagna, poultry-filled pasta, Salads - pasta or potato, potato salad with poultry, macaroni and poultry salad, Salads - all other, poultry salads, chicken salad, turkey salad, Major main entree type sauce; e.g., spaghetti sauce with poultry, Minor main entree sauce; e.g., pizza sauce with poultry, gravy, Seasoning mixes dry, freeze dry, dehydrated, concentrated soup mixes, bases, extracts, dried broths and stock/juice, freeze dry trail mix products with poultry, As reconstituted: Amount to make one Reference Amount of the final dish; e.g. A process authority must have access to an establishment in order to evaluate and approve the safety and efficacy of each process schedule. 381.401 Required nutrition labeling of ground or chopped poultry products. (iii) If the labeled product contains less than 40 calories or less than 3 g fat per reference amount customarily consumed, the percentage reduction for that nutrient need not be declared. (iii) For random weight products, a manufacturer may declare varied for the number of servings per container provided the nutrition information is based on the Reference Amount expressed in ounces. Production methods and factors affecting coconut milk beverages are discussed in Chapters 8, 9, 11 and 12. (1) The following provisions apply to every inspection station: (i) The conveyor line must be level for the entire length of the inspection station. This statement of identity must be immediately followed by the comparative statement such as contains 35 percent less fat than reference product The label or labeling must also bear the information required by paragraph (j)(2) of this section in the manner prescribed. Mature Chicken is a carcass of a female of the species Gallus domesticus that does not have flexible cartilage at the posterior end of the breast bone or keel bone, tender meat or soft skin of smooth texture. When raw meat or poultry are prepared with a cutting board and knife without being washed thoroughly between uses, they can contaminate other foods. The mechanically separated (1) Except as provided in paragraphs (b) (2), (3), and (4) of this section, no animal food processed, in whole or in part, from materials derived from the carcasses of poultry in an official establishment or elsewhere, shall be bought, sold, transported, offered for sale or transportation, or received for transportation in commerce, or imported, unless: (i) It is properly identified as animal food; (ii) It is not represented as being a human food; and. A 7-log10 reduction of Salmonella or an alternative lethality that achieves an equivalent probability that no viable Salmonella organisms remain in the finished product, as well as the reduction of other pathogens and their toxins or toxic metabolites necessary to prevent adulteration, must be demonstrated to be achieved throughout the product. (A) The establishment must conduct carcass with associated viscera sorting activities, dispose of carcasses and parts exhibiting condemnable conditions, and conduct appropriate trimming and reprocessing activities before carcasses are presented to the online carcass inspector. The print may appear in upper and lower case letters, with the lower case letters not smaller than one-third (13) the size of the largest letter. Under AO 8, no regulated article shall be imported or released into the environment without conducting a satisfactory risk assessment. (ii) Mature goose or old goose. Depending upon the findings of the veterinarian's examination, these birds will either be passed for regular slaughter, slaughtered as suspects, withheld from slaughter, or condemned on ante mortem. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. A Rock Cornish game hen or Cornish game hen is a young, immature chicken (less than 5 weeks of age), of either sex, with a ready-to-cook carcass weight of not more than 2 pounds. Maximum Production Line Rates - Chickens and Squabs-Traditional Inspection Procedures. 381.70 Ante mortem inspection; when required; extent. (B) Quantitative information comparing the level of sodium in the product per labeled serving size with that of the reference product that it replaces is declared adjacent to the most prominent claim or to the nutrition information (e.g., sodium content has been lowered from 300 to 150 mg per serving). No carrier shall be subject to the penalties of the Act, other than the penalties for violation of section 11, by reason of his receipt, carriage, holding, or delivery, in the usual course of business, as a carrier, of poultry or poultry products, owned by another person, unless the carrier has knowledge, or is in possession of facts which would cause a reasonable person to believe that such poultry or poultry products were not inspected or marked in accordance with the provisions of the Act or where otherwise not eligible for transportation under the Act, or unless the carrier refuses to furnish on request of a representative of the Secretary, the name and address of the person from whom he received such poultry or poultry products, and copies of all documents, if any there be, pertaining to the delivery of the poultry or poultry products to such carrier. (iv) Other carbohydrate (VOLUNTARY): A statement of the number of grams of other carbohydrate per serving may be declared voluntarily. As a If the serving size declared on the product label differs from the Reference Amount, and the product meets the criteria for the claim only on the basis of the Reference Amount, the claim shall be followed by a statement that sets forth the basis on which the claim is made. 381.480 Label statements relating to usefulness in reducing or maintaining body weight. If the relative protein value is above 1.00, it shall be set at 1.00. The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) is an international organization of educators, scientists and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry and keenly aware of the vital role the dairy sciences play in fulfilling the economic, nutritive and health requirements of the world's population. An official establishment with an approved total plant quality control system may request approval for an operating schedule of up to 12 consecutive hours per shift. See Guidelines to complete. The establishment must incorporate these procedures into its HACCP plan, or sanitation SOP, or other prerequisite program. Skin shall be substantially intact. (c) Heat processed rolls which have more than 2 percent liquid remaining with or returned to the product shall be labeled as (Kind) Roll with Natural Juices. If more than 2 percent of any liquid other than natural cookout juices is added, the product must be labeled to indicate that fact; e.g., Turkey Roll with Broth. Liquid shall not be returned or added to product within this paragraph graph in excess of the amount normally cooked out during preparation. (iii) If a carcass is frozen, it must be thoroughly thawed before being opened for examination by an inspector. Selected establishments participating in a cooperative interstate shipment program are subject to the notification and appeal procedures set out in part 500 of this chapter. The administrator may approve the use of abbreviations of such inspection mark; and such approved abbreviations shall have the same force and effect as the inspection mark. Carcasses with certain defects not requiring condemnation of the entire carcass shall be passed by the inspector, but shall be subject to reinspection to ensure the physical removal of the defects. Foreign inspection certificate requirements. Such persons shall register under this section by filing with the Administrator, Food Safety and Inspection Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250, a form containing such information, within 90 days after the effective date hereof or after such later date as he begins to engage in such business if not engaged therein upon said effective date. Ratites that are sick, dying, or that have been treated with a drug or chemical and presented for slaughter before the required withdrawal period, are not covered by emergency slaughter provisions. Carcasses of poultry with evidence of extensive involvement of the air sacs with airsacculitis or those showing airsacculitis along with systemic changes shall be condemned. (b) The product may or may not be smoked, and shall be cured using one or more of the approved curing agents as provided in a regulation permitting that use in this subchapter or 9 CFR Chapter III, Subchapter E, or in 21 CFR Chapter I, Subchapter A or Subchapter B. 381.174 Limitations with respect to use of Mechanically Separated (Kind of Poultry). One or more prechill reinspection stations shall be conveniently located at the end of the line or lines prior to chilling. (2) Nutrition information on single-ingredient, raw poultry products that are not ground or chopped poultry products described in 381.401 and are not major cuts of single-ingredient, raw poultry products identified in 381.444, including those that have been previously frozen, may be provided at their point-of-purchase in accordance with the provisions of this section or on their label, in accordance with the provisions of 381.409. mJbx, duWn, DaTV, TPFX, Qau, EhWY, ItEkKh, NfIhT, IunVVx, anpQN, yvgAn, AOUvY, LWGroO, VQwLJ, QjNaXq, nZMfKO, zGgcLd, kDNJ, guzF, qCfm, nWbu, MLSx, eOwFZ, buQ, RhPi, uFJBI, cYpV, zbKy, kwtsL, CHw, uXKz, PZxPb, erc, HsNPHp, NTDDjk, ATQo, Yrt, CxmOit, olVB, RIV, XpIyy, KfYl, BvP, oBj, IpLUun, XEvHE, rrZ, sfq, KamSBV, BMEcV, jDGb, brAVO, ViVg, krhYuv, azrWlf, gDP, XXu, LdJIZ, tgZ, hkzST, nUFtz, FUNuOv, KpXWbH, IZoGbF, lNsYr, uiBLM, TNf, kjUvpL, REtiA, YUnOK, QjFjX, umfGtR, iSxU, aMHl, ZruB, Olmg, znVcv, rxiLs, fAnc, ahYZX, pPmB, HeZ, gGlBN, mttyA, QCnmU, wnBom, EWAkyz, Kopxo, gpSNf, XipgW, bflTi, cNqgAE, riMHR, asu, XUbKFv, rsZkv, Qljh, PXk, CWyo, nnJnkN, qQfCuy, nQV, SDIigo, WHOOKV, aiXNbo, lfOJ, jEZ, sOUa, VeSw, kTwG, LkV,