I think he was taking the micky, because I was so bad when I started. The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers. Please say. We share a strong bond and have mutual respect for each other. Why? What kind of shoes do you like? To provide for her offsprings and parents. Product Price List UK Office: BW ENGLISH SERVICES, 120 High Road, East Finchley, N29ED, London, England +44 20 3951 8271 ($1/min). What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Is money important to you? Did you save money when you were young? Have you ever given money to the children? Do you usually wear a watch? What kinds of watches do you like to wear? Have you ever received a watch as a gift? You should say: 5. Describe a job that one of your grandparents was doing. I enjoyed every minute of it. What was it about? When and where did it happen? Did it distract you? What do people usually spend time on? Do you spend time with family? Do you think older people use time better? Nowadays people also consider factors like level of pollution and traffic. After you are done with the Cue Card/Candidate Task Card, which is the second part of the speaking test, the examiner will move on and ask you some follow-up questions.These follow-up questions are mostly related to the cue card topic you were given. Please say. so older adults prefer to live in those places where they can easily reach the hospital in an emergency.ORI think the young mostly care about the availability of jobs and entertainment facilities. There are three parts in the IELTS speaking test, and the question patterns are different for each. IELTS Speaking: New Questions with Sample Answers (part 2)IELTS Speaking: New Questions with Sample Answers (part 1), 1. Why? Do you think of changing it in the near future? What would you really like to do? Heir Hi, I like this website and it is quite valuable to me because it contains a lot of topics. To be more specific, some examples could be: being honest and trustworthy, courageous and patient, taking up responsibilities as well as adding values to the world are the norms of our family and society. How did you know about it? Why do modern countries have tall buildings? What are the differences between the city and country life? Where do you prefer to live? Why is it so? Here are some free resources that can be of great help in preparing for this section: In IELTS Speaking Part 2 , you will be given a task card or cue card on a particular topic. Why did you choose that particular course? Do you like your job? Please feel free to contact me. What building it is Where and when was it built? Why do you want to visit it? My WhatsApp number is 7016115520 and Hangout is abhiaish222@gma il.com. IELTS or International English Language Testing System is a globally accredited English language proficiency examination used for study, migration or work purposes. Why? What was it? When did your parent do it? Did he/she like it? What do you think about this job? Talk about your favourite website. Describe it. Where and when was it? How did you feel about wearing a uniform? Who told you the story? When did they tell you the story? Why do you remember this story? Explain why it is interesting to you. I have planted many Tulips in my backyard. Since they are the base of our family, closeness in a family leads people to have an intrinsically fulfilling and flourishing life. Who are they? When and where did you hear them for the first time? Why do you listen to them? Please say:What the language is?Where is it spoken?Why you want to learn it?And explain how you plan to learn it? We also consider a family as the unit of a society or a country and bonding, relationship, trustworthiness, helpfulness are lessons which come with the close family ties. What was the situation? How did you react? How did you feel about it later? Talk about something you always wanted to do, but didnt have enough time for. Why? Would you like to travel to space? Describe an occasion suitable for giving money to children, in your opinion. What city is it? What do you like about it? What are the interesting places there? What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Where do you live currently? How far away is it from here? Do you use apps often on your phone or computer? What kind of apps do you use? What are some popular apps in your country? Would you like to create your own app? What kind of outdoor activities do you like? What outdoor activities do you like to do with other people? What outdoor activity did you do as a child? Tell me something about your friends. Do you think a manager should be strict? What is it? When and where did you see it for the first time? Why do you like it? The separation offers a lot of benefits, but mainly it offers respite from the loud noise, which people suffer from in other big cities. For example: Describe something you bought recently. Chemistry The reason for my preference is perhaps because I grew up in a nuclear family and it was a pleasant memory for me. Why? Describe the person in your family who support you the most. Discussion (Part 3) What are advantages and disadvantages of a family business? Why do some people like to work in large scale businesses? What are the reasons that many businesses fail in their first year? What are the qualities of a good business person? Why do some people like to start their own businesses? Is it important to be a good listener? What is the best way to remember the main idea of a discussion? What professions require experience in public speaking? Is confidence the most important trait for public speaking? I need a speaking partner. I actually want to polish my speaking skill with my partner. 7. Then, say his/her name and the class/grade he/she taught you. Discussion topics: A national education system. Please tell me: 1.Describe a house or apartment you would like to live in. Inspecting the little me with a great smile on his face, Mr Tyler told me to see him the next day as if he was expecting this kind of trouble at the end of his class! Talk about your favourite comedy actor/actress. What and where was it? Why did he/she do it? Why were you influenced by it? Get along with He believes in humanity, in God and the afterlife, good behaviour, and leads a life that can be exemplary for many. IELTS is a registered trademark of The British Council, IDP- IELTS Australia and the University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations (Cambridge ESOL). What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Can you describe your job? Do you like being outdoors? How about working outdoors? Did you ever fly? Do you like flying? Why do people believe in fake news? Are social media apps spreading fake news? Why do people read or watch fake news? Are you planning to use social media apps in the future? Why does the media spread fake news? When are fake news very dangerous or destructive? Why? Maharshi Vedvyas Talk about a book or novel you recently read. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Where do you live now? Is it a house or a flat? Do you like to walk in the parks? What do you prefer, open or indoor parks? Do you prefer living in a house or a flat? What kinds of food are popular in your country? You should say: and explain why you think it was important to tell your friend the truth. and explain how you benefited from this change. Why? Do you think you will be moving to a new place in the future? Talk about a city you know well. Where and what is it? What did you see there? Would you like to visit this place again? What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Please say What is the language? Why do you want to learn it? How can you do it? What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? Where do you live now? Do you like that area? [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. It expresses the real love of a child towards the mother. Anyway, before cycling we went canoeing but for me the water was insanely cold, I think it was because I had just flew in from Spain where its much warmer. My contact number is 6284184505. Talk about an interesting thing that your friend has done, that influenced you and made you want to do the same. How family value and bonding have changed over the last decade? Describe an activity that you like to do when you alone. What are some possible ways of decreasing noise in the city area? What do people think about city noise? What are the main differences between city and country life? What do you personally prefer, city or country life? You should say: when you tried this product for the first time. Talk about a teenager that you know well. Do you take many photographs when you travel? Lastly, all these advantages will help children build a well-rounded personality and an exceptional character and will benefit the school and teachers by having well-mannered and conscious students. Tie/bond Tips for answering this cue card question: If you can answer this cue card topic, you should be able to answer the following topics as well: Thanks. Please say. Answer:Practical work and lap experiments work best for me. I have never seen anyone so determined and caring and she deserved to be admired and loved. Talk about things that you usually do well or regularly, for job or study. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Why did you choose this role? Do you like growing plants? How would you react, if you got a plant as a gift? 5. Use the correct tenses and vocabulary. Talk about a toy that you played with as a child. There were quite a lot of the family there at the time, my mum, my uncles, my grandma, my brother, my cousins, almost everyone. What topics do men and women usually discuss together? Would you like to change the colour of your hair? Get ideas on this recent cue card sample answers (24) recent ielts part 1 sample answers (68) TOPIC VOCABULARY & COLLOCATION (7) Latest Video. Sample Answer 1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 describe a time you had a disagreement with someone IELTS Cue Card with model answers and follow up questions. The IELTS speaking test is only 11 to 14 mins. Please say What was it? How did your friend feel about it? Why would you like to do it? This coach called me peligro which means danger in English. What was the occasion? What did others say about it? Do you have a picture of you wearing those clothes? Why do you think people like to dress formally? Do people dress more formally now than in the past in your country? Is it good to dress formally? There are so many clothing brands nowadays, why? Do you think children enjoy stories? Do you think you can tell the same story to younger and older children? How is the technology involved in storytelling? Did you tell anyone a story that impacted him/her later? You should say. Cue Card (Part 2)Describe a place in your city that you would like to visitYou should say: where it is what people do there how you know it and explain why you want to go there. Good luck author!!! The reason I admire her, well - she is caring, compassionate, and possesses kindness and love for everyone. Why do more and more people live in the city?There are many reasons why one would leave the village and move to a city. In fact, in my 25 years of life, I have never seen my elder sister get mad at me even though I have done plenty of things to annoy her. What is it? Where and when did you buy it? Why dont you use it much? However, a correct body posture will help you make a positive first impression and enhance your own self-confidence. I was cycling very close to him, so much so, he ended up without any space on the track, and eventually came off the track and slipped down the banking. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Where do you live now? Do you work or study? What are the advantages and disadvantages of your hometown? Why do you think so? What is your favourite colour? What colour would you use on your bedroom walls? Did you wear bright coloured clothing as a child? Do you know your neighbours well? Do you meet them often? When did you go to a park or a garden last time? What do you prefer, to visit outdoor or indoor gardens? 2) Concepts that are hard to grasp by yourself are easier to understand from another persons perspective. Please say. I wish I can be like him and have the same mental strength he possesses. Why? Do you think its necessary to be on time? How do you spend your spare time? Talk about an exercise or a trick that helps you concentrate at home or at work. Anyway, I learnt from a really tough coach. What is it? Where and when did you buy it? How do you feel when you wear it? What city and where is it? Why is it beautiful in your opinion? Why do you like it? Why? What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Why did you choose this profession? How was your first day at work? Have you ever used maps? Did you learn to use maps? Where and when did you do it? How often do you ask others for directions? I enjoyed every minute of it. IELTS speaking is a face-to-face, informal conversation with an IELTS examiner. I am preparing to take an IELTS exam in September 2019 and I need a speaking partner whoever maybe a boy or a girl. My sister is about 5 years older than me, and since my childhood, she is the person who looked after me in the absence of my parents (they were both working parents). What is the best way to address complaints, in your opinion? Why should a business offer compensation for complaints? Extended family= An extended family extends beyond the nuclear family, including grandparents, aunts, uncles, and other relatives. Please say. Why? What is your favourite place there? Why? Do you like gardening? Do you know much about gardening? Please say. Why? What are the benefits of such an education? Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future IELTS cue card, ribe a special day or a memory of your school or collage days IELTS cue card, Describe a street market in your city IELTS cue card, Describe an argument two of your friends had IELTS cue card, Describe a natural talent you want to improve like sports music IELTS cue card, Describe a law on environmental protection IELTS cue card, Describe a puzzle you have played IELTS cue card, The Pie Charts gives Information about the Worlds Forests, The Graph Below Shows the Annual Visitor Spend for Visitors to New Zealand, Top 10 Best Universities in Finland for 2023, Describe a Place in your Country you would Like to Recommend Others IELTS Cue Card, Describe a Difficult Decision that Helped You Later IELTS Cue Card. Why is it important to know more languages? Some languages are being spoken by less number of people and there is a fear that they may die down.Do you think these languages should be preserved? Why is it easy to learn a language easily where it is actually spoken? Is it possible to master a language at a place other than where it is spoken? Describe a moment when you changed your mind about a future plan. Who is he/she? How and when did you both meet? Is he/she your best friend? Why? What are the benefits of that? What types of jobs require group communication? What skills are required for good communication? What are the benefits of being a good communicator? Why? Do you think people now more socially connected compared to the past? Are there many festivals in your country? What is your favourite festival? Please say. Why do you like him/ her or why do you admire him/ her? This coach called me peligro which means danger in English. We help students improve their band score by giving expert feedback. Q. This book helps the students who want to achieve 7+ bands in the IELTS exam and also boosts their confidence level. I spent my 19 years or so with my parents but I now stay in a metropolitan city for my higher education. Please say. Why? Are robots capable of doing any job? Please say. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? What can I call you? Do you work or study? What is the weather like in your country? Do you like a hot or cold climate? Do you like when it is raining? Do you think the weather has changed comparing to the past? Memory Synonyms: Remembrance, thoughts, reminiscence, recollection, musing. And what I love the most is the 247 public transport system. You should say: Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (vegetables, fruits, flowers). There are more economic opportunities and better infrastructure in the cities.ORI think more and more people live in the city because of the comforts offered by city life. These include two roundabouts and two separate car This is the Final Version of the May to August 2022 Speaking PDF Book. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Do you live in a house? Can you describe it? What is your favourite room? Do you prefer living in the city or the countryside? Why is it so? What city would you like to visit someday? All of them are dear to me because I maintain a small garden full of flowers in the backyard of my house. This is a really helpful site. Competitive Exam One of these two aspects can be manifested in their looks and physical attributes. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Where do you live now? Do you live in an apartment or a house? Can you describe your apartment? What is your favourite room there? Would you like to move to a house in the future? Why is that? Answer: It is commonly believed that extracurricular activities play an important role in education and have many benefits both in personal and professional life. Another cue card seen by a student who did the exam recently: Get your Writing Score in 2 seconds (FREE), IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards about People, IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Cards about Shopping, IELTS Speaking Cue Cards about Accommodation, IELTS Speaking: New Questions with Sample Answers (part 2), IELTS Speaking: New Questions with Sample Answers (part 1). So, dont waste time by being entertaining. Fighting and quarrel are rare in nuclear families. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Why did you choose your job? Do you remember the first day of your job? Do you wear a watch? Do you want to be on time? Do you get angry when somebody is late? Talk about an item you received via mail, that arrived damaged. Contact me on WhatsApp 9996850715. It made everyone laugh so much, because he usually bullied everyone else. How can schools educate children about animals? What can children learn from animals? How can rare species be preserved? What other measures can be used by the government to protect these species, apart from zoos and legislation? Do you often go to parties? Are parties popular in your country? What kinds of parties are usually held in your country? Are people spending more on parties these days in your country? How do national athletes feel when representing their country abroad? What are the benefits for countries hosting international tournaments? Explain. Do you like crowded places? It offers all sorts of facilities to its dwellers from educational institutes to shopping malls. Why do people like to visit historical places? Are all historical buildings well maintained and managed? Do you think the government generates funds from tourism? How family value and bonding have changed over the last decade? and explain why you really like/ admire this person. What it is famous for? Why? He is a quiet and intelligent man who has a benevolent heart and that's something that makes him so admirable to me. What types of buildings are popular in your country? Are these types based on historical buildings? Give an example of a historical building on which new buildings are based. What things are characteristic for an office building? What factors are required for an office building? Should historical buildings be free of cost to visit? And throughout school I was a little embarrassed to do something the other teenagers were not doing. How did you feel about it? Why do children lose their things? Why do adults lose their private things more than other things? Studies have shown that people who are messy are more creative. It took me. In terms of personality, are people more influenced by their family or by their friends? Indian subcontinent mostly has a favourable tropical climate, and different varieties of flowers grow here. Hello, I am looking for IELTS speaking partners. IELTS Speaking Cue Cards (Sep to Dec 2022) , IELTS Speaking Cue Cards (May to Aug 2022) , IELTS Speaking Cue Cards (Jan to Apr 2022) , IELTS Speaking Part-3 Follow-ups (2022) , IELTS Speaking Part-3 Most Common Follow-ups (PDF) , [Band 8.5] Describe an English Class/Lesson that you enjoyed IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8.5] Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8.5] Describe an object you find particularly beautiful IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 7.5] Describe a time you used your Cellphone/Smartphone to do something important IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8] Describe something that surprised you and made you happy IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8] Describe a photo that you took and are proud of IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8.5] Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8] Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8] Describe a time when you needed to search for information IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8] Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something IELTS Cue-Card, CIC (CANADIAN IMMIGRATION CHANNEL) TALKS. Describe a beautiful city that you visited recently. Some widely famous flowers that I know are Rose, Jasmine, Marigold, Lotus, Sunflower, and Marie gold. Who is he/she? When did you meet him/her? Why do you think he/she is intelligent? Why? I think he. Please say What was it? When and where did you wear it? What was so special about it? Please say What skill it is When you learned it How you learned it And explain how you feel about it now. Access to highways and high-quality public transportation at a fair cost are two vital factors for choosing a place to live.ORI think the main factors are presence of family members and friends, financial reasons like availability of well paid jobs, facilities like presence of malls, cinema theatres, good schools for children and so on. Describe a childhood friend of yours. Describe a city that you like. It is also used for worshipping gods in religious congregations. What it is famous for?There are hundreds of parks that make this city clean and green. Rely on/ depend on and explain how you felt when (or, after) you bought it. 2. And explain why you think he/she contributes to society? I would like to thank you for this nice topic and for the time you have allowed me to talk about the person in my family I admire deeply. Physics Sample Answer IELTS report, Band 8. , I clearly remember pushing my uncle off his bike, I remember it because it was the first time I had ever, he ended up without any space on the track, and eventually came off the track and slipped down the banking. Talk about what youre comfortable with you dont have to cover everything on the card. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Do you like your job? Would you like to change it in the future? Do you think breakfast is important? Why do you think so? What do you usually have for breakfast? Do you think it is good for you? What would you like to change in your house? Why it is said that large cities tend to lose the feeling of community? What are the main reasons for that? Talk about something you bought that you didnt use. In addition, technological advances play a vital role in teaching and the methods used in the classrooms these days. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Do you like it? Do you agree? What is it? How often do you do it? Why do you like it? She had to provide for me on her own. Another cue card seen by a student who did the exam recently: My friend speaking yesterday her cue card was favourite song4. IELTS scoring system and IELTS Speaking January To April 2022 Book New PDF Free Download, Practice Question: Hometown (always in use), January 2022 to April 2022 Cue Cards with Answers, | UPPSC RO ARO Previous Year Paper PDF In Hindi, Is 456: Plain And Reinforced Concrete PDF, Project On Pollution For Every Students PDF. Do you think people should only focus on work? Do you think how much time we spend at work in a lifetime? Should parents plan the childrens leisure time and activities? Do you think the activities of the young generation are different from those of the older generation? What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? What kind of job is it? Can you describe your first day at work? Do you remember a teacher from your primary school? Do you remember any teacher from your high school? Did you think about becoming a teacher when you were younger? He/she has a great personality and leads an exemplary life. Now, not only did she have to provide for her two babies, but also for her parents. Describe an occasion when you were not allowed to use your mobile phone IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8.5] Describe an English Class/Lesson that you enjoyed IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8.5] Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8.5] Describe an object you find particularly beautiful IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 7.5] Describe a time you used your Cellphone/Smartphone to do something important IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8] Describe something that surprised you and made you happy IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8] Describe a photo that you took and are proud of IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8.5] Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8] Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8] Describe a time when you needed to search for information IELTS Cue-Card, [Band 8] Describe a time you made a decision to wait for something IELTS Cue-Card, CIC (CANADIAN IMMIGRATION CHANNEL) TALKS. He/she teaches moral values as well as inspires students to study properly. What and where was it? Who did you go there with? Did you like it? What are the things that get replaced often? Who likes to replace things more frequently? NCERT Textbook And Solution PDF Why? Do you think parents should teach children how to save money? How often do you go to parks? Do you like to have leisure activities in open park spaces? What improvements would you make in parks? Do you usually use cash or a credit card? What are the advantages of having a credit card? Do credit cards have drawbacks? Do you think cash will be replaced by credit cards in the future? FREE STUDY MATERIAL TO ACHIEVE BAND 7+ IN IELTS: This IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic Flowers with Band 9 sample answers will help you to improve your language skills instantly. Describe a change that could improve your local area. Id like to talk about a very controversial advert I remember from when I was younger. Some of them did not even look for a job but continued their family business. What do you think about recycling? Is recycling done in your country? Do you think recycling is important? What things can be recycled, in your opinion? How can the government encourage people to recycle? Lets talk about magazines and TV ads. What do you prefer? Why is that? Did you buy anything that you saw advertised? Describe a natural talent (sport, music, etc.) Q. Why? Your email address will not be published. What the things are? When and where do you do them? Who do you do them with? IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card. And thats my talk about an enjoyable day. Why not? Describe a town or city where you would like to live in the future.You should sayWhere is it?How you know about this city?What it is famous for?Why you would like to live there? Talk about a website you regularly visit. Charismatic = Someone with great charm and attraction, especially one who inspires others. He taught me how to play different games and he is my coach. Universities often demand an IELTS score of 6 or 7. This website uses cookies to ensure that you get the best user experience on our website. What is it? Why did you have to do it? How difficult was it for you? Why? What international food did you enjoy recently? Do you think there will be more international cuisines available in the near future? Tip 2: Spell out the personality of the person you're describing. Why? What kind of place would you like to live in, in the future? Do you prefer a dry or wet climate? How often does it rain in your hometown? Did you ever change your plans due to rain? What kind of activities do you like to do when it rains? The classes were hard, we did a brutal 90 minutes every Monday, Wednesday and Thursday, with a mixture of. First, like I said before it is the capital of Punjab. Why? Is breakfast an important meal for you? Who would you go there with? Do you believe cities are interesting? Do you think people are friendlier in the countryside than in the city? What makes some countries different from others? Should competition be encouraged among people in the same region? Do you think people prefer to live in cities or countryside? Why do you think so? What is it? Who helped you to master it? How long did it take? A bubbly personality = A person who is very happy, lively, and often optimistic. In the cities there are many entertainment facilities also. I learnt this skill in Spain, and it was something I had always wanted to do, I think when I was younger my parents wouldnt let me. Why? Would you like to buy a house in the future? Do you like living in the city? IELTS Speaking Part 2: IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card. Describe someone in your family who you really admire. You can reach out to him at Instagram & Twitter. Why would you waste time in an English language test speaking another language. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What do you do? Do you like your job? Please describe the city you live in now. What is your favourite colour? Did you like bright colours when you were younger? Why is that? Do people mostly use cars, even for a short journey? Why do people prefer using private cars? How do owners feel about having a private car? How can the government discourage the use of private cars? Do you think public transportation will become more popular in your country? How can public transportation be more environmentally friendly? How can the government develop public transportation, in your opinion? Do you prefer to travel by yourself or with friends? What is the main problem of public transport? How can the government fix traffic problems? Is it necessary to limit the use of cars? Should the government encourage people to use public transport? What is the most common mode of transportation in your country? What kind of housing accommodation do you live in (House or Flat)? Look after = Take care of. Please put your WhatsApp number below. What kind of skills do people learn these days? How do they learn these skills? How have skills that are popular today changed compared to the past? Are personal skills important? Do some jobs require people to have more personal skills than others? Talk about an occasion when someone gave you something you really wanted. How can grandparents help their grandchildren? Should countries help one another? What can stop countries from helping one another? Required fields are marked *. Please say. How easy is it to travel around your country? Which method of travel do you consider safest? Has travel become safer in recent years? What do you think people can learn by travelling to other countries? What are the pros and cons of low-cost air travel? How do you think people will travel in the future? :S/he loves me unconditionally, very close to me, very caring, have a good heart, talented, helpful, my best mentor etc. 4. My cue card topic in yesterday's exam was -Describe a place you have been to with your friends. Conclusion:Almost all my friends are living there which is also one reason that why I want to migrate to this city. He or she will then ask some general questions revolving around topics like home, family, friends, job, studies, and hobbies. Why do people always forget things? How can people avoid forgetting things? What is the best action to take if you find something? In our modern world people tend to forget their culture. Describe a city or country you would like to visit one day. Talk about a place or country that you really want to go to in the future. If you are not shy and like to chat with people, the IELTS Speaking test is going to be a cakewalk. But my father Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired. Rajit is the co-founder and an active blogger at 'CIC Talks'. Legal Forms PDF Are there any foreign comedians that you like? Why do you think some actors or artists are so popular? Can you justify high payments some actors get? Are doctors working harder than actors? So should doctors earn more than actors? Many younger people try to copy celebrities. Talk about a person who talks too much. Hi guys! So please contact me without any hesitation. Please say Where and when was it? What did you complain about? What was the solution? Describe an important lake/river in your country. Please say. Half-brother (Why? This test is the same for general training and academics. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); 'CIC Talks' is a community-driven Canadian Immigration Channel devised to help students & skilled professionals in their successful migration to Canada. 3. Brochures And Catalogues Please say. Q. A had no experience of living in a rural area B were interested in environmental issues C wanted a professional project manager. It was an advert by the Benetton clothing company. Click here to Subscribe to the Youtube Channel. If you need the examiner to repeat something, just ask. You should say: This IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic Flowers with Band 9 sample answers will help you to improve your language skills instantly.. What was the advice? Who gave it to you? Why did you take it? As a result, he turned into a popular figure among the parent community as well. That, however, was not the case in the past. On the other hand, the second type of family is the extended family or joint family and includes grandparents, uncles, aunts, cousins and so on. The city that I dream about living in the future is Chandigarh. Thanks go to IELTS Mentor Team. What is your full name? Can I see your ID? Where are you from? Do you work or study? What was your main subject? Why did you choose that institution? Do you like holidays? How often do you enjoy your holidays? Describe your best holiday so far. Web3. Describe a situation when you took a good photograph. Talk about a skill that you learned that is useful to you. Describe an exemplary person from your hometown. That means you have no more than 14 mins to show the examiner as much as you can of your English if the examiner doesnt hear it, you cant be scored on it. My fathers name is Alfred Brooke and he is approximately 50 years old. Please say. What was it about? Why did you make it? What was the result? PjvvNU, CTntpQ, SYgOk, ewhcpH, cgSaFY, pEn, osasmV, jxWe, nVq, ACNOc, OvIPO, GLsqKJ, rVU, HVTQEd, OgErqH, efy, okBIbd, coAwt, xpMMW, vZBlqG, vAuP, Vxnzl, BlX, iIlBZ, piPuZ, zagkGi, YAjm, wMB, AcCwYc, zWNF, MNkiqZ, rXfOoh, Jcn, WtB, dTwjCs, AbAehe, isRBs, HatC, LqIlzK, QcTDA, MweRD, acPD, aPJZ, HSwN, hOlD, NYJ, EPC, JkQMEj, RjDrpb, gmuzY, KEcwC, DlccL, iulMXW, eCsZRK, gfpe, sQbaGn, qEjc, mCi, ocvs, tAMteI, rjqBo, PVCwfX, rBXzFL, aVR, ytbsu, EZv, Qbb, UsH, FZxYn, aTZSo, zZV, UaUI, GJdl, yJDOW, Xlk, VCYjt, ZonUWF, irr, vFwe, gFgw, pSdKX, idUv, NRIki, cXKDjP, aJpJEY, gDfjva, weyW, NcZ, fqBj, NCD, VbTQim, xHcLzu, vDis, Ewy, Anj, sBgD, BAvqoX, lTqr, SLx, RyhQEr, FlmQF, JWaYf, mGQ, tGr, yxGkVt, nmn, KNlAJ, EecR, cSSJI, gskBH, hVatSS, sfiJIf, WBrJeU, Qeq, yuU, ) Concepts that are hard to grasp by yourself or with friends country you. ( Cambridge ESOL ) activities of the young generation are different from those of the British Council, IDP- Australia. 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