The solution runs the WASM context in a sub-directory on the web site. Technical Architect. Work fast with our official CLI. If you want to change the global default options, You may use Cropper.setDefaults(options). Also, you should limit the maximum zoom ratio (in the zoom event) for the same reason. Learn more. rev2022.12.9.43105. That said, lets first populate the Basic options: For Networking and Data protection options, we are not going to change a thing. About these properties, see the getData method. Browse other questions tagged, Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers, Reach developers & technologists worldwide, This worked for me, but what this solution underscores is pretty interesting and cool in my opinion. So just pass the original image's type as the first parameter to toDataURL to fix this. Then, in the Advanced menu, we are going to select disabled for the Secure Transfer Required option. Do bracers of armor stack with magic armor enhancements and special abilities? Now lets create our first blazor application and its supporting lib, A blazor project is consisted of C# and razor files and from the structure we can see its very similar to an Asp.Net core application, Razor files are composed of UI elements called components, component is build in C#, means we can navigate to this component and a component contain html and C# code, the C# code for a component lives inside the @code section. Another great thing about Docker is it's really efficient when building images. If your image is in wwwroot/images something like the following will work, (where class is a css that sets your image height), img class="my_logo-img" src="/images/myLogoImage.png". Twilio has democratized channels like voice, text, chat, video, and email by virtualizing the worlds communications infrastructure through APIs that are simple enough for any developer, yet robust enough to power the worlds most demanding applications. Clicking on it will allow further configuration if needed. Just another human walking the earth! Part 1 - Containerising a Blazor Server App (this post)Part 2 - Containerising a Blazor WebAssembly AppPart 3 - Publishing to Azure Container Registry using Azure PipelinesPart 4 - Deploying Containerised Apps to Azure Web App for Containers. Just return the bytes from a URL and have the < image > or