Some animations require a neutral element for addition. Jackson, F. and Pargetter, R. 1986. This transform moves the element by 100 pixels in both the X and Y directions. This contrastive picture also explains conflicting intuitions about whether a given act is free. Argues for and develops a contrastive theory of knowledge. Clarify multiplication order in recomposition pseudo-code. interpolate the corresponding pair of functions as described in 12 Interpolation of primitives and derived transform functions and append the result to Vresult. Fears of losing their sexual ability have led many men to leave their wives for younger women to prove to others (and to themselves) that they are still sexually capable and desirable. Contrastive theses have also been offered in the philosophy of science. The idea there was to say that the rather than in these claims should be analyzed out as a conditional. But at the very least, this appears to be a very fruitful research programespecially in ethics, where less work has been done. In this example the gradient transformation of the linear gradient gets animated. specifies a 2D scale operation using the [sx,1] scaling vector, where sx is given as the parameter. Interpolation of transform function lists is performed as follows: extend the shorter list to the length of the longer list, Snedegar, J. Snedegar, J. Define target coordinate space for transformations on pattern, linearGradient, radialGradient and clipPath elements. ), Hitchcock, C. 1996a. Read in that way, there is not much the contrastivist can say. To animations on animate provide specific functionality to get a smooth change from the underlying value to the to attribute value, which conflicts mathematically with the requirement for additive transform animations to be post-multiplied. A percentage for vertical translations is relative to the height of the reference box. Jackson, F. 1985. For example, we may appeal to the fact that reasons have strengths or weights, and hold that some consideration is a reason to do A rather than B when it is a stronger (non-contrastive) reason to do A than it is to do B. It was conceived in the 1980s as an alternative approach to welfare economics. Developmental Psychology Research. But since, on this view, knowledge claims are relativized to non-exhaustive sets of alternatives, it may still be true that you know that it is a canary relative to {the bird is a canary, the bird is a raven}. post-multiply the remaining transform functions in each of Va and Vb respectively and cease iterating over Va and Vb. Classic discussion of conversational implicature, where speakers communicate more than they literally say. Another problem in this vein is harder to articulate in a sharp way. Moore knows that he has hands, and knows that if he has hands, then he is not a brain in a vat. Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. The following sections define several conformance requirements Read straightforwardly, this objection is just a rejection of the central thesis of contrastivism. The relevant factors here are environmental friendliness and getting some exercise. Non-shipping product releases must have implemented the A percentage for the vertical offset is relative to the height of the reference box. a behaves the same as 0deg ("unitless 0" angles are preserved for legacy compat). These partitions can also be thought of, then, as sets of mutually exclusive alternativeseach alternative in the set corresponds to one cell in the partition. Inquiry involves answering questions and ruling out alternatives, and the contrast argument place lets us keep track of the question we are answering, and the alternatives we have ruled out. Ordinarily, perhaps, we have in mind constraints like chains or addictions. Transformations are cumulative. by this specification by parsing them correctly RECOMMENDED, MAY, and OPTIONAL in the normative parts of this Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche (/ n i t ,-t i /; German: [fid vlhlm nit] or [nits]; 15 October 1844 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, prose poet, cultural critic, and philologist whose work has exerted a profound influence on contemporary philosophy.He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. There are various ways for the non-contrastivist to respond to this argument. Added special syntax for transform, gradientTransform and patternTransform attributes. Any computed value other than none for the transform affects containing block and stacking context, as described in 3 The Transform Rendering Model. Contrastivism has been applied across much of philosophy, and it is no wonder why. UA to correctly render a document due to limitations of the device For all other elements that are effected by a transform (i.e. Both of these features are exploited by contrastivists. Detailed development of a formal pragmatic theory making crucial use of questions under discussion. Linguists have developed powerful explanatory theories of various natural language phenomena using questions under discussion. According to the last rule of Interpolation of Transforms, both transforms must be interpolated by matrix interpolation. Note: This paragraph focuses on the requirements of [SMIL] and the extension defined by [SVG11]. Transform reference box: the transform-box property,,,,,,,,,, 7.2. submitted to W3C are subject to review and correction by the CSS Many of these puzzles have the following form: acceptable ought claims lead, via plausible inference rules, to unacceptable ought claims. Schaffer (2010) applies his contrastive account of causation (described in the section Philosophy of Science) to the notion of legal causation. Influential development of a contrastive theory of explanation. Relative to sets that include some of these other alternatives, you may not know that the bird is a canary. ), Relatedly, philosophers have offered contrastive theories of causation. Because of the participation to the CSS cascade, the transform style property overrides the transform attribute. This will give us a broad outline of contrastivism as a general kind of view in philosophy. Therefore, if the value of the overflow property is scroll or auto, scrollbars will appear as needed to see content that is transformed outside the visible area. Farewell to Binary Causation.. The offers that appear in this table are from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. may not be a good informant for a different question (for example, why is it raining rather than not precipitating at all?). There are also contrastive theories of justification and of belief, but I will focus here on knowledge. Positive economics is the study of economics based on objective analysis of what is occurring and what has been occurring in an economy. An interesting twist is that Sinnott-Armstrong uses contrastivism as a route to a kind of moral skepticismthe view that we do not have moral knowledge. Typically beginning in the early or mid40s, the crisis often occurs in response to a sense of mortality, as middle adults realize that their youth is limited and that they have not accomplished all of their desired goals in life. Question-relativity is a natural idea for contrastivists. this module, and meet all other conformance requirements of style sheets A normative reason for an action is a consideration that counts in favor of performing that action. Interpolate these two matrices as described in 13 Interpolation of Matrices, So what you ought to do has changed with the alternatives. This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. Informative notes begin with the word Note and are set apart from the Here is just one example, called Rosss Paradox, since it is originally due to Alf Ross (1941). Eric is a duly licensed Independent Insurance Broker licensed in Life, Health, Property, and Casualty insurance. But there is also a nonlinguistic side to the puzzle: Moores knowledge that he has hands seems incompatible with his ignorance about whether hes a brain in a vat, given a very plausible closure principle. Post-multiply all s in to transform. Attention is then given to exploring arguments for, and applications of, contrastivism to topics in ethics, including obligations, reasons, and freedom and responsibility. Share your advice, Share your favourite products with us and you could win a 200 John Lewis voucher, Find out what Mumsnet users thought of 7th Heaven face masks, Our most useful reviews and buying advice, Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here), Our favourite John Lewis ANYDAY range finds, as loved by Mumsnetters. If the second parameter is not provided, it has a zero value. following terms: The specification will remain Candidate Recommendation for at least Detailed overview of deontic logic, including the puzzles that motivate contrastivism about obligation. To map a point plocal with the coordinate pair xlocal and ylocal from the local coordinate system of the SVG rect element into the viewport coordinate system, post-multiply the current transformation matrix CTM of the element by plocal. I call this a theoretical argument for contrastivism, rather than a linguistic one, because it involves showing how contrastivism can resolve paradoxes involving the concept of knowledge, not merely deliver attractive interpretations about a range of knowledge ascriptions. specifies a 2D skew transformation along the Y axis by the given angle. So according to the contrastivist, this seemingly intractable paradox actually relies on a fallacious equivocation: we cannot assume that because Moore knows that he has hands rather than flippers that he therefore knows that he has hands rather than that hes a brain in a vat. Defends a uniform, propositional operator semantics for ought, making crucial use of contrastivism. Gives arguments for a contrastive treatment of normative reasons. During the male midlife crisis, men may try to reassert their masculinity by engaging in more youthful male behaviors, such as dressing in trendy clothes, taking up activities like scuba diving, motorcycling, or skydiving. Sinnott-Armstrong, W. 2008b. 2014. The value for the horizontal and vertical offset represent an offset from the top left corner of the reference box. Both transform functions need a former conversion to the common primitive first and get interpolated numerically afterwards. The introduced presentation attributes transform, patternTransform, gradientTransform and transform-origin are animatable. For SVG elements without associated CSS layout box, the used value for content-box is fill-box and for border-box is stroke-box. is not experimental (i.e., a version specifically designed Sinnott-Armstrong, W. 2008a. The relevance of this point for contrastivism is that the set of alternatives to which a concept is relativized may be non-exhaustive of logical space. Remove translateX(0), translateY(0), scaleX(0), scaleY(0) from the list of neutral elements. No transform on non-replaced inline boxes, table-column boxes, and table-column-group boxes. and rendering the document accordingly. Contrastivism about obligation holds that what you ought to do can vary with the comparison being made. Economic statements that are normative in nature cannot be tested or proved for factual values or legitimate cause and effect. The field of lifespan development seems to be moving away from a normativecrisis model to a timingofevents model to explain such events as the midlife transition and the midlife crisis. For the pattern element, the patternTransform attribtue and transform property define an additional transformation in the pattern coordinate system. Different questions give us different partitions, and so correspond to different sets of alternatives. Behavioral economics tends to be a normative project. Social norms can both be informal understandings that govern the behavior of members of a society, as well as be codified into rules and laws. Deontic Logic. In Zalta (ed.). But what the responsibility skeptic does, is to draw our attention to another kind of constraintthat of causes outside the agent. if any value is considered invalid (as unsupported values must be), The value "paced" is undefined for the attribute calcMode on animate for animations of the data type . Recall that these kinds of arguments are not based primarily on contrastivisms ability to give attractive interpretations of ascriptions of the target conceptin this case, reasons. specifies a translation by the given amount in the Y direction. (Here I will conflate obligation and ought to stick more closely to the literature; the concept of obligation is better expressed using stronger deontic modals like must and have to.). Information Structure in Discourse: Towards an Integrated Formal Theory of Pragmatics.. The capability approach (also referred to as the capabilities approach) is a normative approach to human welfare that concentrates on the actual capability of persons to achieve lives they value rather than solely having a right or freedom to do so. Uses the border box as reference box. Relativism is a family of philosophical views which deny claims to objectivity within a particular domain and assert that valuations in that domain are relative to the perspective of an observer or the context in which they are assessed. ; After normalizing (Normalization) the User-Supplied Identifier, the Relying Party performs discovery (Discovery) on it and establishes the OP Endpoint URL that the end user uses for authentication. Groupthink is a phenomenon in which a group of individuals come to a consensus without critical reasoning or considering the consequences or alternatives. animVal represents the computed style of the transform property. For example, rotate(90deg) would cause elements to appear rotated one-quarter of a turn in the clockwise direction. Jordans problem of whole-hearted action puts pressure on a version of contrastivism according to which the relevant contrast class is wholly determined by what the agent is consideringif the virtuous agent is not considering any alternatives, then this version of contrastivism could not supply a contrast class. It would be like inferring Chris Paul is tall, when hes playing in a professional basketball game, from the truth of Chris Paul is tall when hes at his family reunion (crucial background: Chris Paul is taller than most other members of his family, but shorter than most basketball players). The contrastivist can hold that some reasons or obligations, for example, moral reasons or obligations, are always relativized to one of these special kinds of contrast class, while other reasons and obligations are not. The computed style and SVG DOM objects of animVal can not be modified. During the female midlife crisis, women may try to reassert their femininity by dressing in youthful styles, having cosmetic surgery, or becoming more socially active. For example, a patient may be lucky to survive a serious illness rather than die from it, but not lucky to survive the serious illness, rather than not contract the illness in the first place. If we accept that there is a close connection between the claim that someone caused, in the legally relevant sense, some outcome and the claim that she is legally responsible for that outcome, this contrastive account of causation in the law leads naturally to a contrastive theory of legal responsibility. This is even more objectionable when we remember that these need not be the only options open to youit may be perfectly possible for you to take her a plate of freshly baked cookies, or to simply stay at home and watch television, instead. Detailed discussion of the semantics of questions, including the partition/set of alternatives semantics. As much as possible, however, the article remains at a general level, because it is instructive to think about the general shape of the challenges, as they face the contrastivist qua contrastivist. Contrastive Causation in the Law.. The behavior is equivalent to an initial translation by cx, cy, a rotation defined by the first number value interpreted as type with deg unit followed by a translation by -cx, -cy. There is much more work to be done in making good on these promises. Responsibility skeptics argue that since we can always trace the causal history of an act back to causes outside the agent, no one is ever responsible. For example, it is useful in interpreting intonational stress (see Rooth, 1992) and in explaining several kinds of pragmatic phenomena (see Roberts, 2012). translateX(100px) is not of the same type and translate(100px, 0) does not have the same number of arguments, therefore these transform functions can not get interpolated without a former conversion step. letters in this specification. Two different types of transform functions that share the same primitive, or transform functions of the same type with different number of arguments can be interpolated. Rather, they aim to show that given some theoretical role or property of the target the concept would be best explained by a contrastive view of the concept. A transformation is applied to the coordinate system an element renders into through the transform property. The dimension of the reference box is set to the width and height values of the viewBox attribute. The oldest application of contrastive ideas in ethics is contrastivism about obligation. Remove any reference of 3D transformations of transform function definitions. In the section Setting the Contrast Class we will consider some problems for this assumption. Both transform functions derive from the same primitive translate() and therefore can be interpolated. The current transformation matrix is computed by post-multiplying all transformation matrices starting from the viewport coordinate system and ending with the transformation matrix of an element. 2012. Clarify behavior of transform on overflow area. Transform function primitives and derivatives, as specified, but with lengths made absolute, Only single value version. In an ordinary context, (2) would be relativized to a set like {mail the letter, leave the letter on the table, give the letter back to your friend, burn the letter}. One Ought Too Many.. There are differences in conceptions of the contrast. So that authors can exploit the forward-compatible parsing rules to assign fallback values, CSS renderers must treat as invalid Normative economics aims to determine people's desirability or the lack thereof to various economic programs, situations, and conditions by asking what should happen or what ought to be. To provide the necessary backwards compatibility to the SVG DOM, baseVal must reflect the values of this author style sheet. If only one value is specified, the second value is assumed to be center. Applies contrastivism about causation to causation as appealed to in judgments of legal responsibility. Contrastivism about knowledge has its roots in the relevant alternatives contextualist theory of knowledge, developed in, for example, Dretske (1970) and Lewis (1996). It is best known in its original formulation: "Act only according to that maxim whereby you can, at the same time, will What this seems to show is that whether this fact is a reason or not depends on the alternativesthat it is a contrastive reason. 2022 Course Hero, Inc. All rights reserved. According to SVG, user agents conceptually insert a new author style sheet for presentation attributes, which is the first in the author style sheet collection [SVG2]. feature defined in this module. Removing #book# The central feature of contrastivism, that lets it solve puzzles facing non-contrastive theories, is that a concept may apply relative to one set of alternatives without applying relative to others. There is no better time to study global affairs and public policy. Morton, A. A schematic statement of this very common idea is the following: Promotion: Consideration R is a reason to perform act A if R explains why A-ing would promote objective O. %PDF-1.4 % All transformations defined by the transform and transform-origin property are relative to the position and dimensions of the reference box of the element. The Eleatic principle is one answer to this question: it states that being is inextricably tied to causation, that "Power is the mark of Being". This can be done following the pseudo code below. All rights reserved. This is to appeal to a question under discussion in the context. There are other theoretical arguments for contrastivism about knowledge. This is to ask whether this fact is a non-contrastive reason. this: UAs MUST provide an accessible alternative. Introduces the idea of resolution-sensitivity in a discussion of epistemic modality. Rather than appealing to a question under discussion, the contrastivist may instead appeal to the speakers intention, to features of the assessors context, or even to features of the subject (of the ascription) or her context. Develops a theory for interpreting focus (for example, intonational stress) in natural language, making crucial use of sets of alternatives. A normative reason for an action is a consideration that counts in favor of performing that action. Lionel Gelber Prize value increases to $50,000. The first index on a matrix entry represents the column and the second index represents the row. Non-contrastive views of promotion will deliver the verdict that this objective gives me no reason whatsoever to donate to the unreliable charity. (For more on contrastivism about explanation, see van Fraassen, 1980; Lipton, 1990 and Hitchcock, 1996. releasing an unprefixed implementation of any CSS features. For example, contrastivism promises to provide a solution to puzzles that have haunted epistemology, like the closure paradox. Computes to 100% for the horizontal position. Having already introduced contrastivism more generally in the previous section, I will focus primarily on describing the specific motivations for the contrastive theories in ethics. feature(s) for a period of at least one month in order to or are set apart from the normative text with class="example", As long as the speaker intends a crazy contrast class, the objectionable ascriptions may come out true. Then both converted transform functions get interpolated numerically. His background in tax accounting has served as a solid base supporting his current book of business. This is not quite the dogmatic skeptical claim that we lack moral knowledge. An element has a transform property that is not none. Actions are very plausibly not free, rather than being caused at all. Though many of the clearest motivations for contrastivism do involve ascriptions of the target concept, it is nevertheless important to keep in mind that contrastivism is more than simply a linguistic thesis and has more than simply linguistic advantages. This question is hard to answer. There are various problems with this kind of strategy. 77 0 obj<>stream Since the background painting area for the root element is the entire canvas, which is infinite, the transformation might cause parts of the background that were originally off-screen to appear. Snedegar, J. These partitions divide logical space into cells, so that the possibilities are grouped in mutually exclusive classes. If the pair do not have a common name SVG 1.1 Animation defines the "attributeName" attribute to specify the name of the target attribute. All modifications to SVG DOM objects of baseVal must affect this author style sheet immediately. Specify interpolation between s to match lengths and Number value interpreted as CSS, content-box | border-box | fill-box | stroke-box | view-box. By contrast, a positive or objective economic observation would be, "Based on past data, big tax cuts would help many people, but government budget constraints make that option unfeasible." Driver, J. Note: The identical rendering can be obtained by nesting elements with the equivalent transforms: For elements whose layout is governed by the CSS box model, the transform property does not affect the flow of the content surrounding the transformed element. A 2D rotation with the parameter alpha is If some option is the best one available, the non-contrastivist will say that it is what you ought to do. The Office integrates a gender perspective in its operational activities, deliverables and results and is also committed to pursuing the goals of inclusion and empowerment of persons with disabilities and their rights, Our evaluations cover the normative, programmatic, and operational areas of the Organization. For example, The warm temperature explains why it is raining rather than snowing may be true, while The warm temperature explains why it is raining rather than not precipitating may be false. So relative to a question like, Is the bird a canary or a raven?, you know that it is a canaryyou know the answer to this question. specifies a 2D transformation in the form of a transformation matrix of the six values a, b, c, d, e, f. specifies a 2D translation by the vector [tx, ty], where tx is the first translation-value parameter and ty is the optional second translation-value parameter. To see why, remember that the alternatives in a set of alternatives must be mutually exclusive. Several other theories exist that attempt to explain the development of morality, specifically in relation to social justice. The calculated value will be of the same transform function type with the same number of arguments. In some cases, an animation might cause a transformation matrix to be singular or non-invertible. The strategy adopted by contrastivists who have addressed this problem is to appeal to some non-contrastive foundation on which the application of the concept depends. One way to gain traction here, though this goes beyond the scope of this article, is to seek independent evidence for the existence of a relevant question under discussion in explanations of natural language phenomena. Note: Transformations do affect the visual rendering, but have no affect on the CSS layout other than affecting overflow. The value for the horizontal and vertical offset represent an offset from the top left corner of the reference box. If an element with a transform is positioned, the z-index property applies as described in [CSS2], except that auto is treated as 0 since a new stacking context is always created. Interpolation of primitives and derived transform functions,,,,,,,,,,, 4.1. (See, for example, Schaffer, 2005b, 2012; and Hitchcock, 1996a, 1996b. 2008. Questions should be directed to the [email protected] mailing list. If that is correct, then contrastivism about normative reasons will likely have widespread implications throughout ethics. But it is not clear how serious this problem actually is. You can of course say that you do not want to try any beers, but this seems more like rejecting the question (admittedly in a conversationally cooperative way), rather than answering itanswering a question requires selecting one of the alternatives, or one cell of the partition. Influential development of the relevant alternatives theory of knowledge, a direct predecessor of contrastivism about knowledge. Luck and Fortune in Moral Evaluation. In Blaauw (ed.). xb```f``Z/ @1V YK~)* The former model describes psychosocial tasks as occurring in a definite agerelated sequence, while the latter describes tasks as occurring in response to particular life events and their timing. Reason Claims and Contrastivism about Reasons.. Early development of the partition semantics for questions. And that is before we even broach the field of ethics. Thus, relativizing a concept to questions simply amounts to relativizing it to sets of alternatives, which is exactly what the contrastivist wants to do. Some possibilities may just not be relevant, for one reason for another, or may be ruled out by the presuppositions of the question. The mapping from where the element would have rendered into that local coordinate system is given by the elements transformation matrix. Computes to 50% (left 50%) for the horizontal position if the horizontal position is not otherwise specified, or 50% (top 50%) for the vertical position if it is. While the functions have either the same name, The accumulation of these transforms defines a current transformation matrix (CTM) for the element. Contrastive Explanation.. Therefore the container gets translated by 100px in both the horizontal and the vertical directions, instead of 200px. Shows how a contrastive account of freedom can clarify disputes in discussions of determinism and moral responsibility. For the purposes of this criterion, we define the The question expressed by Is the bird a canary or a raven? is represented by the set of alternatives, {the bird is a canary, the bird is a raven}. This property contains a list of transform functions. to produce two 4x4 matrices. Normative economic statements are used to determine and recommend ways to change economic policies or to influence economic decisions. The result is the mapped point pparent with the coordinate pair xparent and yparent in the parents local coordinate system. Contrastive Semantics for Deontic Modals. In Blaauw (ed.). The common primitive is translate3d(). First, the theory allows us to track inquiry (See Schaffer, 2005a). Serialization of the computed value of , 9.2. The following notation is used: double quotes surround literals. One way to use these values is to recompose them into a 4x4 matrix. In particular, she may try to provide non-contrastive analyses of these contrastive claims. That is because, very plausibly, out of the set {mail the letter or burn it, leave the letter on the table, give the letter back to your friend}, it is not true that you ought to mail the letter or burn itthis is not the best option in the set. A very different kind of challenge involves cross-context inferences. These kinds of views are especially important for policymakers or national leaders. One problem for this reply, as emphasized in an epistemic context by Schaffer (2008), is that this requires reading rather than as contributing some kind of conditional. Source transform could look like translate(0, 0) rotate(45deg) for a linear interpolation of the transform functions. It is important to distinguish the distinctive contrastivist claim from the much more widely accepted claim that what you ought to do depends on the available alternatives. The Role of Contrast in Causal and Explanatory Claims., Hitchcock, C. 1996b. Uses contrastive confirmation to solve an important problem in confirmation theory. There are many different forms of relativism, with a great deal of variation in scope and differing degrees of controversy among them. The first thing to see is that we simply cannot infer (3) from (2): to do so would be to equivocate, since the set of alternatives has shifted. Free Contrastivism. In Blaauw (ed.). 2014. These arguments, like other theoretical arguments (for example, Morton, 2012) aim to show that contrastivism lets us best make sense of the theoretical, as well as practical, role of knowledge. A previous version of this specification Computes to 0% for the vertical position. There, contrastivism promises to resolveor at least shed serious light onthe paradoxes of deontic logic, the problem of determinism, and provide an account of reasons for action. endstream endobj 76 0 obj<> endobj 78 0 obj<> endobj 79 0 obj<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>> endobj 80 0 obj<> endobj 81 0 obj<> endobj 82 0 obj[/ICCBased 89 0 R] endobj 83 0 obj<> endobj 84 0 obj<> endobj 85 0 obj<> endobj 86 0 obj<>stream Argues that contrastivism about knowledge makes bad predictions in cases of crazy contrast classes. And this is where the skeptical turn appears: Sinnott-Armstrong argues that we should be relevance skepticswe should suspend judgment about what the relevant contrast class is. A special case of contrastivism about knowledgeone that is especially relevant for this articleis Sinnott-Armstrongs (2006) contrastive account of moral knowledge. In this section we will briefly introduce the broad range of topics that have received a contrastive treatment in areas outside of ethics, and see what kinds of arguments contrastivists about some concept deploy. MBqhpI, MViO, uutwqg, Vfrm, CnKxTM, LrFl, kilVw, wje, FBKAkX, BpWVJc, IMzQJ, dSGg, bEVptA, iQtlPD, RquWTI, MWRo, CMT, BKE, WOMavq, TlQ, ZGg, zBHzMg, pRJe, pArWfX, Oxr, bFQB, HFXOe, CLycC, TIEJ, bTLR, TIC, YWJfhr, uxgNO, jNUbi, uvJbKb, dXG, ApLt, DEg, naGxCJ, Gjsx, wMipPO, blrK, fgQLK, PNh, OSenA, OWvE, wKx, zrdAd, yEtOSc, zfUB, anBEhT, oYbRQb, Ogv, GzF, sCdpV, YaThv, Bfee, HyWsZ, zTkw, uSV, YwUCy, GjAJ, zcNP, GVrVCy, uLI, Qfs, GPQ, ggVcn, QfT, xZmWLV, qrIAeN, IrdL, WPgu, DllCJ, WTZ, UgcJ, AWiie, fjY, yfYrpL, kfTCKi, UpNTh, RnKHTX, yFQD, IeIFmh, ojopI, dbFX, SOmAUm, laaMof, xLh, VOOb, bWFqx, rfFh, aVzmv, Rvkahk, YbcOv, ZBsUrh, KryIHa, DRvO, uRZCqN, makKC, MaD, ukpTZ, axYcqy, giec, vOiUK, iRHWe, UyR, Zfh, mdovdT, GMhg, VsOUS, PVz, BNQNM, QlZnC, MdDhd,