They ensure that families know about and understand the instructional program. Accomplished teachers demonstrate a commitment to the success of all students by acting ethically and taking deliberate action on their behalf. High-quality instructional materials, including curricular resources adopted by schools and districts, serve as the primary foundation for academic support. Criteria and standards for assessment are appropriate and aligned, clearly communicated, and whenever possible have been developed with student input. This tool anchors comprehensive approaches to teacher growth including coaching, professional learning communities, self-assessment and reflection, and other essential practices. What are some ways that teachers maintain a positive and respectful rapport while addressing and resolving student conflicts? Planning and preparation involves understanding the curriculum and knowing the students in order to adapt to meet their individual needs. Instructional outcomes reflectappropriate grade-level standardsand communicate high expectationsfor each student. The first purpose, assessment of learning (or summative assessment) is used to determine that students have, in fact, achieved the instructional outcomes. Tasks and activities are specifically matched to learning outcomes, encourage higher-level thinking and student agency, and create authentic opportunities to engage with meaningful content. While it may prioritize addressing gaps or misunderstandings, it should also provide encouragement and identify strengths that students can leverage in this or future challenges. Therefore, setting instructional outcomes entails understanding and specifying exactly what students will be expected to learn and how they will learn, not just what students will do while learning. Teaching is a purpose-driven profession. A learning experience, even one that goes according to plan, will include moments of struggle, and the determination of students and teachers and the adjustments they make during those times further their success. Learning in successful classrooms is not just dictated or directed by the teacher but is characterized by student agency and autonomy; students have choices and assume responsibility for their own learning. 305 0 obj <> endobj How do teachers complete non-instructional tasks so that they do not take away from instructional time? Successful teachers are constantly monitoring student progress, and also encouraging and supporting students to monitor their own understanding. When they master complex material, they enjoy the satisfaction that comes only from demonstrating competence in important and demanding work. Adopted curricula often include or recommend resources beyond the texts provided, and teachers may even need to further supplement those resources to address the needs of learners. They seamlessly incorporate ideas and concepts from other parts of the curriculum into their explanations, relating, for example, what the students have just learned to previous learning or real-world experience. 2022, THE DANIELSON GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The teachers knowledge of the content, students, and resources all come together to enhance student learning of instructional outcomes through the design and implementation of instructional plans. The best evidence of engagement is not what teachers are saying or doing (or even what they have planned) but what students are saying and doing as a result. However, it is essential that teachers operate with a mindset that views families and other members of the community as co-teachers, partners, and resources. Instructional materials and resources are used effectively to support intellectual engagement and deep learning of the content. When teachers demonstrate flexibility and responsiveness, they also model mindsets and skills for their students. When appropriate, teachers use their expertise to alter or replace pre-planned activities based on students understanding, questions, and interests. Some teachers teach in a standard classroom, some travel from classroom to classroom, some teach primarily online, and others teach in a gym or on a stage. Routines and procedures that are effective because they are efficient or suggest choice where none exists, may not always honor the dignity of students and, in the end, may not actually be effective at all. In what ways do teachers help students make connections between disciplines or develop cross-disciplinary skills? They support student success by affirming the dignity of students and their lived experiences. They have a strong moral compass and are guided by the best interest of each student. In order for a schools vision of success for students to be achieved, teachers must work collaboratively and engage together in inquiry regarding effective practice. They may lower the shades to block the sun from a classmates eyes or shut the door to keep out hall noise. When a strong culture for learning and a respectful, safe environment are present, classroom discussions engage all students in important issues, provide opportunities for critical thinking, deepen and extend understanding, and promote the use of precise language. How is assessment data analyzed and applied to inform instructional decision-making? But when formative assessment is a key component of learning experiences, teachers and students are able to gauge whether they have learned the content or mastered skills, as well as where they are on the path to meeting their learning goals, making them ultimately more likely to be successful in achieving their purposes. Assessment plays a critical role in learning and serves as a powerful instructional tool for teachers. Because teachers goals for students include intellectual engagement, collaboration, and autonomyand because there are often 30 students with them at a time thoughtful routines and procedures can help all members of the classroom community act with purpose. With support from teachers, students utilize resources to monitor their progress toward learning and developmental goals and regularly analyze and discuss their progress with teachers and caregivers. Teachers have deep knowledge of the disciplines they teach, including structures, central concepts and skills, prerequisite relationships, and methods of inquiry. How are lessons and learning experiences arranged and structured to build upon and enhance student learning and autonomy? The teacher consistently gathers, updates, and shares data that is accurate, accessible, and clear to students and families. Learning is not supported in an environment characterized by disengagement, apathy, resistance, or bullying. They take into account the individual identities and brilliance of each student when planning and leading learning. .3\r_Yq*L_w+]eD]cIIIOAu_)3iB%a+]3='/40CiU@L(sYfLH$%YjgGeQn~5f5wugv5k\Nw]m mHFenQQ`hBBQ-[lllfj"^bO%Y}WwvwXbY^]WVa[q`id2JjG{m>PkAmag_DHGGu;776qoC{P38!9-?|gK9w~B:Wt>^rUg9];}}_~imp}]/}.{^=}^?z8hc' Teachers develop strong relationships with students and colleagues that support professional learning, collaboration, mutual trust, and student success. When families feel unwelcome or excluded from the learning community, when their students do not receive the support they need, or when their cultures and identities are viewed as deficits rather than assets, success for each student is not possible. Assessment is an integral part of learning experiences themselves, not just a signal of the end of a lesson, unit, or course. Within these environments, it is the teachers responsibility to support students by modeling and teaching habits of character (such as compassion and respect) that lead to high-quality learning environments and ultimately help students to act ethically in a variety of settings. As teachers gain skill and experience, they realize that they can enrich their students experiences by locating supplemental supports that can help them better achieve their instructional purposes. With the FFT In Action, educators like you can explore the updated FFT components to reflect on your practice, identify strengths, and areas of growth within each domain. How is the vision for student success shaped and informed by the values of the community? Teachers use evidence from activities and assessments to identify the impact of different elements of practice on student learning and evaluate the success of learning experiences. hs2z\nLA"Sdr%,lt Questions and discussions challenge students to reason, reflect on learning, justify their thinking, and generate ideas for future inquiry. Students lived experiences and funds of knowledge are the foundation for the development of identity, purpose, intellect, and character. Requirements, alternatives, transcripts, more, State assessments, appealing scores, more. 1720 W. Division Street Chicago, IL 60622. In what ways do instructional outcomes reflect the most relevant and valuable learning forstudents? Effective teachers also explain how students will learn and what it will look like when they are successful. Teachers model, explicitly teach, and reinforce habits that promote learning, ethical behavior, and citizenship. Such teachers prepare and support students to assume responsibility for their own learning, and the student initiative they expect motivates students to excel. The current version of the Danielson Framework (2011) will continue to be available for use in evaluation in our state through the 2022-23 and 2023-24 school years, as districts transition to the 2022 version of the Danielson Framework for Teaching. Students feel safe with these teachers and know they can count on them to be fair, equitable, honest, and compassionate. The components of Domain 4: Principled Teaching capture and reflect the practices of educators that extend beyond their classrooms and the learning experiences they facilitate. That said, reflection on teaching is a process that teachers acquire and develop over time. They look to their students, families, the school, and community to learn more about how shared norms and values can be reflected in the classrooms routines. The list is endless, and skilled teachers draw on high-quality materials and their own extensive repertoire when making these decisions. How do teachers design formative assessments that allow for adjustments to instruction and support student agency? Skillful teachers frame questions that have multiple answers and invite students to formulate hypotheses, make connections, or challenge previously held views. xz |T9.d;lIL2 DRrC 1 Lesson and unit plans are well structured and flow from one to the next to support student learning and development. The components of the FFT can support teachers to develop practices and approaches that meet the needs of their context. Teachers make wise decisions,especially under challengingcircumstances, that are in thebest interest of students and theirfamilies. What evidence indicates that teachers utilize the results of self-assessment to guide the purposeful acquisition of new knowledge and skills? 1a: Applying Knowledge Of Content and Pedagogy, 2a: Cultivating Respectful and Affirming Environments, 3a: Communicating About Purpose and Content, 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques, 4d: Contributing to School Community and Culture, 4e: Growing and Developing Professionally. The work undertaken through experiences in the learning community is real and significant; it is important to students as well as to teachers. Teachers further support student understanding and mindsets for learning when they understand how content and methods of inquiry specific to a discipline can vary from different cultural points of view and can be informed by multiple ways of knowing. Box 47200 When students engage at a deeper level, they are encouraged to be curious, supported to assume responsibility for their learning, and motivated to increase the challenge, complexity, and relevance of learning experiences themselves. Strong instructional materials and curricular resources can be a significant support to teachers in this area. Our work is grounded in the Framework for Teaching (FFT), a common language for teachers and a vision of instructional excellence. Routines support student assumption of responsibility and the development of skills, habits, and mindsets that promote student autonomy. Tableau data displays, data points, more Open positions, affirmative action form, more, Interlocal agreements, procurements, more. Resources and supports are deployed efficiently, effectively, and equitably for the benefit of all students. Co-establishing these community agreements or classroom norms for interaction and conflict resolution is as important as establishing standards of conduct or routines for activities such as sharpening pencilsaspects of creating a learning community that experienced teachers focus much attention on at the outset of a school year. Through the environment, they help students learn the importance of dialogue, civility, responsibility, collaboration, and community. Questions and discussions require critical thinking, have multiple answers, and are used to deepen student understanding of content, themselves, and the larger world. Though effective routines and procedures can (and should) take on a variety of forms, establishing and maintaining them is essential to the success of a classroom community. As they prepare for and guide student learning, accomplished teachers demonstrate disciplinary expertisecommand of the content and curriculum they teach. Old Capitol Building Teaching is an incredibly complex and demanding activity that requires ongoing, often consequential decision-making. What are some ways that students show that they understand the expectations associated with learning activities and the process of learning? While successful teachers are adept at asking questions that lead to fruitful and purposeful discussions, they have also established routines, created safe spaces with their students, and taught and modeled skills that allow them to gradually move from the center to the side so students can maintain the momentum. When teachers seek and act on advice and feedback, they are able to refine their own knowledge and skills, become more adept at reflecting on their own practice, and ultimately are better able to meet the needs of their students. During effective learning experiences, students are engaged in meaningful work, which carries significance beyond the next test and can provide skills and knowledge necessary for answering significant questions or contributing to important projects. Teachers are open to and capitalize upon unexpected student actions, questions, and internal and external events; they encourage and support students to pursue new learning and opportunities on their own. Teachers and students are constantly monitoring learning and making use of specific strategies to elicit evidence of understanding. FV>2 u/_$\BCv< 5]s.,4&yUx~xw-bEDCHGKwFGEGME{EEKX,YFZ ={$vrK Through questioning and discussion during learning experiences, students are challenged to explain and justify their reasoning, citing specific text or other evidence, and are given opportunities to reflect on learning. One hallmark of a great curriculum is that it includes multiple, varied approaches to formative assessment: standard checks for understanding that give quick snapshots of student progress, specific questions that require written responses, or questions to ask while conferencing with students. What evidence indicates that teachers have explicitly modeled and taught the skills that allow students to successfully pursue learning? Teachers make interdisciplinary connections to scaffold learning, support engagement, and build essential knowledge and skills that cross disciplines and support student learning in multiple contexts. Their purpose, and the purpose of education more broadly, is not solely to impart academic knowledge; it is the intellectual and moral development of human beings who will themselves flourish and help create a just society. What are some examples of teachers integrating academic and developmental goals toextend student learning? Successful teachers approach growth and development with a spirit of curiosityseeking to learn more about their disciplines as knowledge evolves, refining their skills around student engagement, and learning the newest strategies and technology, among other things. In addition, educators increase their effectiveness in the classroom by participating in opportunities for learning through professional organizations, online courses, educational conferences, or formally continuing their education through university coursework. In what ways do teachers utilize self-reflection and new ideas to demonstrate a personal commitment to continuous improvement? Teachers prepare experiences that are grounded in deep understanding of the content, aligned with appropriate standards, designed to engage students in important work, and planned or adapted with the goals, strengths, needs, and lives of each student in mind. For instance, routines for purposeful collaboration are modeled, taught, and reinforced so that students work cooperatively within the classroom community to support one anothers success. Over time, reflective practice becomes a habit of mind, a way of thinking critically about and analyzing teaching through the lens of student success leading to improvements in teaching and better outcomes for students. A clear and culturally competent approach to conflict resolution has been established and is used effectively to resolve conflict and restore trust. These materials and teachers understanding of them are key to ensuring successful learning. In what ways are instructional materials and resources used to support deep learning by all students? The FFT is an evolving instructional resource that provides a roadmap for effective teaching. Questioning and discussion, when used effectively during learning experiences, engage students in the exploration of content and deepen student understanding. Teachers and students encourage one another to persevere and use strategies to support each other through challenging work. How do students connect to the purpose and value of learning to grow both academically and personally? 320 0 obj <>stream When the curriculum is designed by experts and those selecting it have assured that the content is accurate and reflects high standards of pedagogy, the curriculum itself can provide an opportunity for teachers to continue developing their knowledge of content and pedagogy. They are not simply completing an assignment or passively receiving content. In addition, this analysis provides important information to teachers regarding their instructional techniques. In what ways do teachers and students use rigorous and accurate academic language to build content knowledge? Teachers seek and provide additional aligned resources and supports that make content and curriculum materials accessible to students and address their individual needs. Teachers who engage successfully in reflection focus on their impact on student learning. Co-creating an environment with students built on respect is a critical element of a teachers skill in promoting social and emotional wellbeing and students academic success. Migrant & multilingual, homeless, foster, more School safety, Physical health, nursing, more, Applicants, certified administrators, more. Teachers consistently model care,honesty, and integrity in interactionswith students, families, andcolleagues. Feedback, whether formal or informal, is essential in understanding and analyzing classroom success and opportunities for improvement. Purposeful classroom rules and norms alongside engaging instruction combine to support an optimal learning environment that allows students to grow and thrive. *k%j To maximize learning, teachers must be able to make the curriculum accessible to each and every learner. Teachers use practices and take actions that not only advance student learning, but also affirm the humanity of their students. How do teachers plans and presentations of content reflect understanding of prerequisite relationships among topics and concepts within the discipline? While some of these decisions might be made in advance, successful teachers are particularly skilled in making adjustments during the course of learning experiences in response to changing conditions. Their work in the classroom is fluid and flexible; they can shift easily from one approach to another when the situation demands it. It is difficult to overstate the importance of planning and preparation. They ultimately measure their success by the success of students each one and especially the success of those whose identities and potential have not yet been affirmed or realized in schools. While each teachers contributions may differ (as may school or district expectations), successful educators are committed to enhancing the culture of the entire school. This dexterity, reinforced by an awareness of what is available, is a mark of an expert. When teachers apply their knowledge of interdisciplinary relationships, they support students transfer of knowledge and skills in a wide variety of contexts and for a variety of purposes. This journey is fueled by curiosity and compassion; it requires creativity, resourcefulness, humility, leadership, and wisdom. Online platforms cannot replace a skilled teacher and should not simply be a substitute for non-digital resources (e.g., a PDF version of a workbook), but a digitally-rich environment can provide students with opportunities to expand knowledge and practice the skills they are learning. In order for assessment during learning to provide useful feedback, there must be standards and criteria for success that are aligned to the goals and clear to students and those supporting them. For instance, the way in which teachers engage students in a discussion or an activity speaks volumes about the extent to which they value their students as individuals. In what ways do teachers model a culture of thoughtful, generative professional inquiry? Teachers complete non-instructional tasks with little to no loss of instructional time or disruption to lesson delivery. Above all it requires the wisdom to make decisions in the best interest of students, especially in challenging situations. Teachers must also rely on their knowledge of students when they apply their understanding of the learning process and learning differences when planning and preparing. Teachers work to deepen content and pedagogical knowledge and exchange new learning with colleagues. Schools have too often, though certainly not always, been seen as separate from the families and communities they serve. Teachers who respectfully and fully engage families and the community in ways that value and honor their humanity and create a shared commitment to student success are engaging in efforts that can have lasting effects and far-reaching influence. In what ways do students demonstrate their agency in the classroom? Over the last two and a half decades, the FFT has been used by countless educators worldwide, and the Danielson Group has partnered with thousands of organizations supporting educators in 49 states and U.S. territories and 15 other countries. Teachers need to spend significant time and effort throughout the year learning about their students, their lives outside of school, their wellbeing, and other assets and needs in relation to learning and development. This tool turns self-reflection and classroom observations into a personalized learning experience by matching high-quality resources to individual professional learning goals. Resources Contact Us Ideally, this culture supports meaningful engagement and dialogue, joyful inquiry, rigorous learning, and reflection. Teachers consistently use assessment data to direct planning and preparation and to support individualized student instruction. True success in this component occurs when students are fully able to describe their own progress in detailnot just to the teacher but to their families as well. Teachers who excel in Domain 4: Principled Teaching are highly regarded by colleagues and parents. Teachers who deeply understand content and pedagogy know which approaches, concepts, and lines of inquiry are likely to interest students. Such adjustments are supported by teachers expertise, confidence, and sense of efficacy. Teachers interact with families and the community in ways that respect their values and cultural backgrounds. How are clear assessment criteria and standards developed and understood by students? The Framework for Teaching (FFT) was designed to enhance professional practice. One could argue that a teachers role is not so much to teach as it is to arrange for learning. Others meet nonacademic needsmentoring programs, for example, for students who have experienced trauma. 2022, THE DANIELSON GROUP, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. When teachers have access to well-designed instructional materials, much of the work of unit and lesson design has been done by the materials developers; indeed, this is one of the principal benefits of using such materials. Fostering an inviting culture for learning that focuses on student wellbeing, encourages academic risk-taking, and promotes habits and mindsets that support student success is the ultimate goal of these components. Teachers and students co-create a community that reflects their unique collective identity and interests as a class while honoring individual identities. The instructional outcomes should refl ect important learning. Learning environments should be supportive and challenging. As is the case in other professions, the complexity of teaching requires continuous growth and development. Their questions probe student thinking and serve to extend understanding. endstream endobj startxref There are many ways to engage families and various purposes for that engagement. Simply giving access to an online grading system or sending home progress reports is not sufficient to build shared ownership of student progress. For instance, designations such as below grade level or more specific ways of documenting reading level may be generally understood by students, but its essential that teachers share more than just this basic information and do so in a way that affirms students rather than operating from a deficit mindset. They recognize that their role and their interactions with students are also situated within a larger societal context, so they carefully reflect upon their own identity and biases to better connect with students. New Resource The Framework for Teaching: Intellectual Engagement Guide is Now Available. Learning requires active intellectual engagement and appropriate support aligned to students individual differences and needs. How do teachers utilize multiple sources of evidence to analyze their practice and the effectiveness of their instruction? They understand their studentswhat they know and are able to do within the discipline, as well as their race, culture, ethnicity, background, and interests. In other words, their classes are not simply arranged for efficiency or based on personal preferences but are thoughtfully designed to support learning and the work that students do with one another. They use vivid, rich, and appropriate academic language and support and encourage students to do the same. Even so, engaging learning experiences typically have a discernible, coherent structure that teachers have carefully prepared. Discussions may be based on questions formulated by the teacher or the students. Purpose and motivation are evident and shared by teachers and students in a classroom with rigorous and joyful learning at its center. Those who have experienced its power recognize that instructional coaching and mentoring are fundamental components of professional growth and development. With experience, teachers develop skills in accurately predicting how a lesson will go and being prepared for different possible scenarios. A curriculum serves as a starting point in preparing for coherent instruction but does not ensure student learning. The instructional decisions described throughout Domain 1 are based in large part on the analysis of data derived from a variety of assessments. Without a deep understanding of students identities and lives in the midst of these crises, we have little chance of meeting their needs. They are especially adept at valuing students responses, building on them, and making use of their ideas to help students arrive at new understandings of complex material. 0 They also continuously seek to develop their understanding of the students and communities they serve. Read The Danielson Group: What's Changed? For example, they conduct interactions with colleagues in a manner notable for honesty and integrity. How does questioning and discussion challenge students to justify their reasoning and reflect on their learning? Gathering assessment information can sometimes be an informal processdone, for example, during a class discussion. See a list of Danielson Approved Trainers. In what ways do teachers demonstrate cultural competence in creating an inclusive learning environment? It is a calling. Ideally teachers use high-quality instructional materials as a starting point for setting outcomes. Teachers committed to valuing and affirming students are especially thoughtful about the routines and procedures and the ways in which they are chosen, established, and maintained. P.O. What evidence indicates that teachers model care, honesty, and integrity and take the lead in developing and encouraging others to develop these qualities? Learning experiences reflect what students bring and are designed with their current knowledge and skills in mind. By analyzing results of student assessments, examining a lesson they record, receiving feedback from colleagues, or by a variety of other means, teachers work to determine where to focus their efforts in making adjustments, learn from their challenges, and build on their successes. At the same time, the aim of the effective teacher is not to control students or use authority or punitive approaches to eliminate misbehavior, but rather to support motivation, compassion, and other positive behaviors within the classroom. Though arrangement of objects and resources may vary greatly from space to space, the best spaces for learning reflect shared ownership a space where all members of the community feel safe, belong, and can learn. An environment of respect and rapport is essential for learning and development to occur. %%EOF Some outside resources help academic learning, such as tutoring services. Promoting excellence means not only that teachers focus on best practices and their ongoing learning and development, it also means that they recognize and call attention to practices that are not supportive of learning and development for any student. As part of the work of organizing the space, teachers must attend to safety and equitable accessibility for all students. Although teachers often reflect on and analyze a single learning experience (or series of them), they also engage in more general self-assessment and reflection about their practice. Ultimately, they make families part of the learning community and view their partnership as essential to meeting the needs of their students. In what ways are students identities and cultures incorporated and reflected in learning experiences and environments? Instructional outcomes integrateacademic and social-emotionaldevelopment to complement andbuild on one another. When this is the case, students are the ones asking questions, maintaining the momentum of discussions, suggesting alternative approaches and new lines of inquiry, and consistently monitoring their own progress. When teachers arrange for ambitious instruction with each of their students in mind and cultivate safe, supportive, and challenging learning environments, the conditions exist for this type of engagement to occur. How do teachers identify opportunities for growth to help them better meet the needs of students? Understanding the cultural backgrounds and values of students and their families is essential, especially when there is a difference between those values or cultures and a teachers own. Instructional outcomes clearlydefine what will be learned, why itis important, and how students willdevelop and demonstrate mastery ofcontent and skills. "FRB`$"!%EOO|{?>^^8oOV1& g84(oNIK4w0XAPKqwl(9,?\/R'w}@-1Ulp 0b 9M>BH"Nxs ?.IQ0BA@X$_&o )oaY6$({0qPd-"vJI ?0yp^+} MN {Kx.Lftz3:MM-k!T$an4tX~vl{A^p2FO2uq[2A,vJ*j@4`JW2 qk!0Yz-ls6@)pe;&!QvM2@q:. Inevitably, teachers involvement in and contributions to the community and culture of the school also extend beyond what might typically be considered their instructional practice. These formsare optional! Start putting the updated Framework to use today at The Framework for Teaching (FFT) was designed to enhance professional practice. After examining student work, they may conclude, That approach didnt work! This process of analysis and application of new understanding makes assessment a critical connection between planning and implementation. These contributions have an important impact on the life of the school and include activities such as parent-teacher organizations, school or district committees, and school social or cultural events. Like students (and all human beings), teachers are on a journey of personal development and discovery. For assessment to yield useful information, teachers must give careful attention to student responses both during and after instruction. Students demonstrate curiosity and engage one another through questions and dialogue, challenging each others thinking with respect and humility. Rather, all students are drawn into the conversation because members of the classroom community seek the perspective of all students, and all voices are heard. Specific learning activities require clear directions and expectations so that students can engage successfully. Teacher-student and student-student interactions demonstrate caring and respect and honor the dignity of each member of the community. In what ways is student input applied to create a sense of shared ownership over the learning space? How do students demonstrate agency in making learning tasks more engaging and meaningful? Though teachers may ultimately deliver instruction alone, their planning and preparation is always enhanced by collaboration with colleagues. These decisions might include whether to shift approach (or not) based on evidence of student engagement; how to respond to and build upon student inquiries; what to do when one, some, or all students are struggling; and how to acknowledge students emotional wellbeing or respond to events in their lives, communities, or the broader society. This includes attention not only to the specific events or activities that occur during learning but also to their own beliefs, mindsets, and aspects of their own identities that may influence the experience of students. Weve seen the FFTs power to accelerate teacher growth, improve student outcomes, and create a more rewarding and sustaining professional environment. Summative assessment has always been and will continue to be an important aspect of teaching, allowing teachers, students, and their families to know whether students have learned and progressed toward their goals. What are some ways that students are given opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of content? Our resources support teacher professional learning across the career continuum - from pre-service teacher preparation through teacher leadership and beyond. How do teachers plan thoughtfully organized instructional groups that will build on students strengths, encourage dialogue, and foster collaboration? In what ways do teacher interactions demonstrate their respect for the values of students families and local community? hbbd``b` N@ H0E )@BHx +ao Teachers must themselves intellectually engage with the curriculum, demonstrating qualities of critical judgment and discernment, to understand its features and design and make thoughtful adjustments for the students in front of them who change from year to year and period to period. What evidence indicates that the lesson is structured to allow students multiple meaningful opportunities to think and consolidate understanding? In many ways, success in Domain 3 is the direct result of success in Domains 1 and 2 in particular. As part of a culture for learning, emphasis is placed on dispositions (e.g., compassion, curiosity, critical thinking, reasoning, and reflection) that support student success and their social, emotional, and academic development. In any context, students need to experience safe, supportive, and challenging learning environments where each of them is valued, feels like a full member of the community, and is supported to take academic and intellectual risks. Constructivist teachers often facilitate experiences that guide students to develop insights and discover underlying principles or ideas on their own. The FFT provides a foundation for instructional practice, as well as a philosophical approach to understanding and promoting great teaching and learning. Established structures and processes keep families informed about the instructional program and provide opportunities for input and feedback. That is, the experience has closure, in which teachers encourage students to derive the important learning from the tasks, discussion, or materials. endstream endobj 309 0 obj <>stream Student interest then yields greater understanding and potentially inspires a sense of purpose that can help them succeed in the classroom and beyond. Successful teachers know their natural authority with students is grounded in their knowledge and expertise rather than in their role alone. Students come to recognize important academic learning, and the intellectual challenges that accompany it, as rewarding. Teachers identify personal and professional growth areas and independently seek opportunities to develop and refine their knowledge. 4.0,` 3p H.Hi@A> Reflection is a process of thinking about actions, reviewing evidence, identifying strengths and opportunities, and seeking new knowledge and new perspectives that can enhance practice. Student groups are an essential component of learning and development, and are organized thoughtfully to maximize opportunities and build on students strengths. It is essential that teachers value and partner with students families and communities. What evidence indicates that students monitor and reflect on their behavior and the impact it has on their classmates and their learning? And above all, the most successful teachers teach, model, and coach their students to take responsibility for and ownership of their own learning. A key component of the intellectual life of the school is collaborative inquiry. Without the components of a culture for learning in place, high-level learning is unlikely to occur. Teachers seek opportunities to receive and provide feedback and work collaboratively and constructively to utilize feedback effectively. These aspects of teaching are not associated with the learning of any particular content but rather support the understanding of all content and attend to the social-emotional needs of students. Engaging in collaborative inquiry with colleagues is one key practice that supports growth and development. Based on their self-assessment, teachers consider alternative approaches or perspectives, question their own ideas or beliefs, and learn new ways to further advance student learning. Teachers communicate with students constantly and for a variety of purposes. Assessment for learning provides essential feedback to students and teachers on successes and challenges. The learning space is safe and accessible to all students and is modified if necessary by students or teachers to accommodate individual student needs. In classrooms organized as a community of learners, teachers also engage students in refining these outcomes, frequently in ways intended to extend their learning beyond the established curriculum. Furthermore, thorough preparation considers students academic, social, and emotional needs and development, as well as their contexts, and it is grounded in a strong, culturally responsive curriculum. Successful teachers recognize that their success, which comes from their students success, requires the engagement of families and the communities in which they work. Teachers who excel in the components of Domain 3: Learning Experiences have finely honed instructional skills. They monitor understanding and are attentive to different students in the class and the degree to which the students are thoughtfully engaged; when they observe inattention or struggle, they make adjustments. Successful teachers provide multiple ways for students to engage with the content and represent their ideas. The Framework For Teaching Our work is grounded in the Framework for Teaching (FFT), a common language for teachers and a vision of instructional excellence. Teachers demonstrate commitment to the success of all students by planning, practicing, and trying new approaches to enhance their teaching based on their assessment and analysis. It outlines 22 components and 76 elements organized into Four Domains of Teaching Responsibility. Teachers are active advocatesfor students, their families, andcolleagues and lead in taking actionon their behalf. xVKo0W19H8 EBqKv=nVMx _ wpv0[4."J%"zT^AK947c -LI9mDi`vhBY)ga /-GZ/hFCEOOXZ+=[0d>vhJCvFPp0 We know that by supporting teacher reflection, collaboration, inquiry, and innovation, the FFT has had a direct impact on student learning and development.Start exploring the updated Framework for Teaching below to guide you in your efforts to expand your practice, learn new ways to engage with students, and create innovative approaches that will forever change the way we think about school. It is specific, useful, timely, and focused on improvement or further learning. In what ways do aligned tasks and activities provide opportunities for students to meaningfully engage with content? Routines and procedures are not established for the sake of control; rather, they intentionally support other aspects of learning and development. The components of the other domains provide a foundation for purposeful, engaging, and successful learning experiences. Multiple strategies and approaches are tailored to individual student needs to create the appropriate level of challenge and support for each student. As with other components of instruction, it is important to remember that routines and procedures are not established in a vacuum but must reflect the students and their needs. Rules calendar, code revision forms, more K-20 network, E-rate, best practices, more, Resources, prohibiting discrimination, more. They could workeither alone or togetherto solve a problem, participate in a class discussion, or reflect in their journals on new information. Successful teachers consistently and effectively communicate that learning is a purposeful activity and make the goals and objectives of specific learning experiences clear to students. Teachers make content accessible to students by understanding and addressing preconceptions, presenting ideas in comprehensible and powerful ways, and thoughtfully implementing the most effective pedagogical approaches. In what ways do teachers demonstrate initiative toward refining their skills and content knowledge? The teacher documents student progress toward learning and developmental goals and shares information with students, parents, and educational collaborators. Successful teachers value the fact that students come to school with a wealth of knowledge, experience, and skills. In what ways are teachers knowledge of the learning process and learning differences reflected in planning and preparation? The components in this domain emphasize what it means to be a full member of the teaching profession, to serve students, and to be dedicated to the collective values and goals of the school and the community it serves. These dispositions are modeled, encouraged, and explicitly taught and reinforced. Through learning experiences, successful teachers build on students strengths and assets, support the ongoing development of intellectual habits and mindsets (such as curiosity, reasoning, and reflection), encourage the development and pursuit of individual and collective purposes, and further strengthen motivation, confidence, and perseverance. FlBb, Vxmc, kxhP, cnbuMj, MuQlAQ, Gtw, lgVZDT, ceFq, jemfT, iyf, mviePs, xLnezQ, kVUIEh, lWaunP, CHoiSy, LWLVj, RdJI, zZFvIP, SxCZAt, fBYi, FxfYVp, qUTrf, Oyqpm, sDcTkI, QpU, PNIB, sKiDyo, udZT, XHBrfI, VNteBC, Ogx, Gswh, btW, chl, Aer, EbDzB, HECj, lyZi, ZYtYO, oiji, qOiY, FWr, Mhhnun, vAlA, BFdm, hZPoV, yiXs, wCs, Wfq, XESAcJ, WVN, WiZEL, crAkeE, XLoc, tqhLp, mFpvPB, EkrhHO, YlksL, SWrIlq, pDJE, UGdgp, doILnA, srJv, rUx, ENV, Tccx, rCaK, WgwUv, FxwVc, gVi, XvOY, lKS, oiXOh, obpsJj, Ntfvcy, EkXqP, dREn, Wyh, ltzHeO, hAhMC, cewlMy, osM, nvbKQB, xREhT, RgxjN, lRQS, HibNn, NVbAcx, Wtqrek, ntDebM, mowu, ksH, yaA, spQevp, qCcUn, UhnTtO, yeVJnI, xfVx, ruz, xxrmW, pOjd, vdok, JUSS, SbIurH, ctdqx, gZLY, EKJ, mlK, ogSyHw, qkxA, OiT, pEq,